Chapter IV.

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

[ Chapter IV. ]

I LAID ON THE COUCH with a book over my protruding belly even though I wasn't reading it. I sighed and looked at Nora who sat down on an armchair while Bud chose to make a healthy breakfast for us. I groaned when I shot up when I heard my younger siblings cheer in excitement as they came back inside.

"Are you okay, Jamie?" Nora asked me in concern as she was about to stand up from her armchair 

"Yeah, just my back hurts a bit. Bud, can you pass me an ice pack?" I asked my brother-in-law as the kids scattered all over the room 

"In a minute. Jessica, can you pass her the ice pack?" I heard Bud ask and I turned my head to see him handing the ice pack to Jessica

"Of course, I can," Jessica said as she accepted the ice pack and I shook my head in amusement in how she answered

"Thanks, Jessica." I thanked my sister as she placed it on the couch behind me and I went to lay back down 

"Nora, Jamie, Bud, we're going to The Boulders!" Jake told us excitedly making my eyes widen in shock at his words 

"I'm not going!"


I decided to wear a light blue dress that reached up to my knees and a white thin belt resting over my stomach. I even wore white sandals instead of my converse which I have preferred lately even though my feet were getting wider. My hair was a messy braid that kept getting a bit messier as Dad drove up the hill towards The Boulders.

"Kids, we stay right here. Over here." I heard Mom say once Dad parked right in front of the Murtaugh's lakehouse

"Welcome to The Boulders!" Sarina greeted us once we all climbed out of the van and went to stand in front of their house

"Hey, come on and say hello," Dad said as the Murtaugh's began walking forward and we went to meet the halfway 

"Hey, Tom." I heard Jimmy greet my Dad as he offered him his hand which Dad shook with a tense smile

"Hey. Thanks for having us. Where's the gift shop?" Dad asked Jimmy, joking around with him as they let each other hands go

"Oh-ho, you brought your dog!" Sarina exclaimed as she lowered her height a bit to stare at Gunner who placed his paws on her

"Sorry. Yeah, you just say sit." Mom instructed Sarina as Gunner kept his balance on her making my eyes widen

"Down, down," Dad told Gunner who wasn't listening and I thought that this would be another Hank debacle 

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