Chapter VII.

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

[ Cheaper VII. ]

I SMILED AT EVERYONE as I walked into the lobby before sitting on the chair that Dad offered me. I crossed my legs and sighed, leaning back on my chair and saw Charlie and Anne walk off together. I looked at Dad who besides me and grinned when I spotted Lorraine and Mom missing.

"Did Bud and Nora actually invite Lorraine?" I asked Dad quietly as I placed a hand on my stomach, hoping to ease my nerves

"Yeah, she seems really excited," Dad responded to my question while Sarah offered me a bottled water

"They're good kids, Jimmy--all of 'em," Dad told Jimmy who sat beside him while Calvin leaned back on my legs since he sat on the floor in front of me

"And you're saying we have nothing to do with it?" Jimmy asked him as he went to lean back on the seat

"They're born hard-wired," Dad informed him but it was as if God was listening because Mike, Mark, and Kenneth ran in

"Dad, look what we found. Look." Mike said as he rushed to stop next to Calvin's fallen figure, standing in front of Dad

"Dad, check it out," Kenneth told Jimmy and both Dad and he looked at their children and sat straighter

"Hey, hey, hey, just-just be sure, and, uh, disinfect 'em." Dad told the children before they rushed off together

"Yeah. That's a bedpan, Kenny. Take it off. So, your kid gets my kid to wear a bedpan, and you're saying we have no impact?" Jimmy asked Dad making me laugh lightly before I closed my eyes when I felt Calvin massage by legs 

"I didn't tell him to do that. You look in the face of a six-month-old, and that's the way they are." Dad said to Jimmy and I shook my head

"We're invisible in the house? Is that..." Jimmy was starting to ask so I opened my eyes to see what stopped him and it was Charlie and Anne

"Hey." Dad greeted Charlie and Anne with a small smile while the latter eyed Calvin and me with a large grin

"Hey." Charlie greeted him back but other than that, the other two didn't say anything making me confused

"You, uh, look like you have something to say," Dad told them, speaking up after a few brief moments of silence 

"I'm done with the city, Dad. I'm going to open up my own garage, and I'm moving up here this fall." Charlie informed Dad causing Jimmy to shoot him a look

"And I want to audit art classes at Madison," Anne revealed to Jimmy causing his eyes to widen a bit and Calvin to sit straighter

"Pardon me?" Jimmy asked her in disbelief as he leaned forward as if he didn't hear Anne correctly

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