A match into water

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Blade's pov

I woke up to beeping. What the hell? I opened my eyes only to shut them again because of the bright lights. I slowly re opened my eyes and began looking around. I'm in the hospital. I sighed as a nurse walked through the door and smiled gently at me. She had dark brown hair pulled back into a long braid.

" Blade, do you remember what happened?" She asked looking concerned.

I nodded. Dammit, why did they save me? Everything wouldve been better if they just let me die. I cant do anything right. So whats the point?

"You won't be put into an institute this time, it's your last warning, but you're going back to the orphanage in a few days after being released.We just need to make sure you're okay since you lost a lot of blood, and then you'll be back."

I nodded hoping she would take a hint. I didn't feel like talking.For goodness sakes, I felt like I'd been hit by a truck! Couldnt they just leave me to myself. She got up and let the room leaving me to my thoughts. I soon fell asleep waking up a short two hours later by a red headed nurse changing my bandages. She acted snotty and didn't say anything to me the entire time she was in my room. Way to be hostile. As she walked out she glared. Damn bitch what did I do to you? I brushed it off and fell back asleep hoping that everyone at the shitty orphanage would leave me alone. Like I needed any more stress or pain. I woke up the next morning to another nurse,again, changing my bandages. Soon after she gave me another hospital gown . The orphanage owner,Jane, came and visited for about an hour telling me i was healing well and id be released tomorrow. She left some clothes by my bed for me to change into the next day and hugged me gently, being careful not to hurt me, before leaving.

I pondered over her words.

"there will be someone there when we get back blade." She had said smiling brightly. "They might adopt you"

I was overcome with excitement for this. Although there's a chance they won't adopt me I was still excited. Although a few certain question kept running through my mind.My worries building. What if they hurt me? What if they're like my mom. Or worse. What if they abuse me in 'that' way. I shuddered. Although those things swarmed my mind, I still had hope. I couldn't give up just yet, now could I? The day passed quickly seeing Jane had snuck in a few of my favorite books. Thank god for that. At about 11:00 pm I was able to slip into a deep dreamless sleep. Thanks to the medicine of course. Waking up I was groggy and forgot where I was. As I woke up mor eI saw that Jane was once again in the room with me.

"Good morning sleepy head."She said laughing and handing me my hand mirror and hair brush.

My hair was, to say the least, a rats nest. I laughed a little too. Maybe this would work out for me. I looked at her for consent to get dressed and she nodded a little saying I could go change. I hopped up before realising i still had things attached to my arms.

"Cant go anywhere with those can you now?" Jane said chuckling. She got a nurse to come in and take them off. I changed and then we left. Maybe I'll be walking in to meet my new family. Or maybe I'll be walking into a new level of hurt. No ones ever rejected me before since no ones ever been interested in me. Only the future will tell.  To say I was nervous was an under statement.  I mean so many things could go wrong here! I just put my headphones in and blasted music.  One of my favorite songs by an amzing band. Breathe Carolina - Black out.

Cut up and I can't feel my hands

No need to chase

Can you relate?

Can you keep up the pace like you're dying for this?

And when you say "I'm not okay"

I left my phone in the cab

Now you can't get mad

I'm only getting started

I won't blackout

This time I've got nothing to waste

Let's go a little harder

I'm on fire

I won't blackout

I'm on my way

I'm only getting started

And I can't see your face

Cigarette the wrong way

Inhale to the top of my lungs

I've been dying for this

And when you say "I'm not okay"

I left my phone in the cab

Now you can't get mad

I'm only getting started

I won't blackout

This time I've got nothing to waste

Let's go a little harder

I'm on fire

I won't blackout

I'm on my way

I'm only getting started

I won't blackout

This time I've got nothing to waste

Let's go a little harder

I'm on fire

I won't blackout

I'm on my way

I'm only getting started

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

Going and going and going and going and go, go

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

Going and going and going and going and go

I'm only getting started

I won't blackout

This time I've got nothing to waste

Let's go a little harder

I'm on fire

I won't blackout

I'm on my way

I'm only getting started

I won't blackout

This time I've got nothing to waste

Let's go a little harder

I'm on fire

I won't blackout

I'm on my way

I'm only getting started

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

Going and going and going and going and go

I'm only getting started

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

This won't stop till I say so

Going and going and going and going and go

I'm only getting started

  I sighed leaning my head back  against the seat. letting worries fade away into the lyrics of another song .

Heya! Ive re written a lot of this and there's a lot more words so I'm happy. Enjoy :D  To new readers It gets more interesting as it goes on. Love you all! XxBrooklynxX

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