what a waste of a perfectly good clean wrist

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blade pov

    Vic lead us out to a huge tour bus with several parked near it. 

"We have two bunks free so it works perfectly!" Vic cheered happily. I smiled shaking my head at him. "What?" He asked innocently. I simply looked at him giggling.

Tony ran over yelling something incoherent in Spanish.  As he slowed down and stood in front of me he asked if I was a om&m fan. I nodded confused. Vic rolled his eyes as Tony decided it was a good idea to drag me towards a bus to the left of, what I learned to be,  Pierce the veils bus. He loudly knocked on the door and it opened showing a very tired ginger.

 "Alan Ashby"

he said sticking his hand out for me to shake.
" Blade "I whispered shyly.

   He smiled yelling for the guys to come out to meet  me. As everyone introduced themself I kind of shrunk back behind Vic who laughed at me. I buried my face in his shirt as he pulled me protectively into his side. He must've saw how shy I was...

"Blade!" Lydia yelled running over to me.

 I picked her up and everyone seemed to aww at the scene. She curled up in my arms as Jaime announced we were leaving soon and led us back to the bus.  I couldn't really believe this is happening. It doesn't seem realistic. Mike and Tony gave us a tour of the bus and said Lydia and I would have the top bunk and the bunk below it. I chose the top bunk seeing as lydia didnt want it.. I didn't mind. I tucked her in as it was late and she closed her eyes drifting off.  I smiled climbing into my own bunk doing the same although i didnt fall asleep as fast. Vic came to check on us and i pretended to be asleep, but I wasn't. I just didnt want to worry him. i know he would ask why i couldnt sleep, and truthfully it was my thoughts. I'll never get a second alone now because they're naturally caring people.  What am i going to do? Cutting is an addiction and I hate the scars. I know i need to stop, but it's hard. To hard. i took a deep breath. My wrists itched. Could i risk it? i think everyone went to sleep so maybe.  I opened the curtain only to hear the tv in the back lounge on. Maybe I should talk to Vic? Hopefully he's the one up.  I quietly waled back there seeing as it thankfully was him. He turned and looked at me frowning.

        "why are you up?" he asked simply but a hint of worry in his voice. I sighed. 

I cant sleep. He patted the spot beside him signaling me to sit down. As i sat down he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.  It was silent for a few minutes before he sppoke up.

  " you're going to stop, right?

 I glanced at him before nodding keeping my eyes on the floor.

 " I'll help you Blade." He continued gently. "I know it's difficult but we'll get through this together okay?"

I smiled knowing I wasn't alone anymore. Me being the idiot i am fell asleep leaning against him but i guess he didnt mind because now he's my dad.  I woke up cuddled next to Vic, Vic still being asleep i didnt move. Just closed my eyes and enjoyed the comfort and the silence.

I fiured it was early morning so I let myself fall back asleep waking up once more around 7am.

So helloooooo. Idk if there's any typos. This chapter was written mostly on my phone and then i switched to the computer because i got annoyed. anyway I'm grounded but since i'm home schooled i'll try to update more. I really like this story so far CX Shh no one needs to know i'm on the computer. XD   There's only 667 words and i know its short but , hey who knows, i might be updating every day from now on. Apoligies again for any grammar problems. My phone is stupid. Byeeeee.   XxBrooklynxX 


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