Mirrors start to whisper

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I was hopeful. Oli had gathered Abby's things and was currently walking towards us a smirk evident on his face.
"What's up girls?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
WE looked at him wide eyed curiosity taking over.
"soooo?" I said looking at him hopeful.
"I may just uh possibly be...."
"Spit it out! Abby and Screamed at the same time before turning to each other and continuing "Jinx no joke you owe me a coke! Jinx again! Really?"
By this time Oli was in stitches.
"Okay." He started, still out of breath. "Hannah and I are adopting Abby."
We screamed so loud I'm pretty sure someone called the cops.
"Oops." I giggled.
"Lets get the hell out of dodge!"
Oli said laughing his ass of. We bolted running all the way back to the tour buses.
By that time I couldn't breathe. Asthma is a bitch!
"You okay kiddo?" Vic asked helping me stand up straight.
I wasn't even able to speak. Maybe running all that way wasn't such a good idea for me. He lead me into our bus, several people giving me a worried look, and helped me sit down.
Finally I calmed my breathing and was able to walk back out. Oli explained to everyone what happened and showed Abby their bus and gave her the bunk she was allowed to sleep in. Everyone retreated to their buses soon after and went to sleep.
   Now you're probably wondering why we ran. My idea would be run, and if the police show up at the orphanage they may be able to see it's not a very kid friendly place.  Why did the cops come immediately for one, well two screams? There is a lot of crime around here for some odd reason. 
[A/N I think the Pov kind of changed sorry]
Anyway...... I sighed. I'd been laying here for hours on end bored out of my mind. Insomnia does that, well I mean it's a sleeping disorder, so it keeps you awake. Being bored on the other hand, that's from having absolutely nothing to do.  I rolled out of my bunk accidentally tripping and waking Lydia. Everyone else was sound asleep. She sat up rubbing her eyes and begging me to pick her up, so I did. I carried her out and sat on the couch singing softly to her. She curled up falling back to sleep. I smiled. I loved her so much. 
I sat for about twenty minutes before Jaime got up and wondered out to get a glass of water.
"What're you two doing up?" He asked sleepily.
I shushed him pointing down to Lydia showing how she was sleeping.  He nodded understanding. Before trudging back to his bunk yawning, and then climbing in.
I yawned once more before standing up and carefully taking Lydia and laying her back down, tucking her In. Her eyes fluttered open.
"sleep with me?" She whined.
I grinned.
"Okay but were sleeping in my bunk!"
I whispered before pulling her into my bunk.
Sleeping beside someone helps me sleep well. I was out like a light.
I woke up to Vic shaking me gently trying to wake me. Lydia was still sound asleep in my arms. He grinned at me before mumbling something about breakfast. I was starving!
At this moment I felt happy. That was something I liked, feeling happy I mean.
We ate before watching T.V. for a while.
Vic had said we were going shopping today since there was mall nearby.
I hope to god we don't run into any crazy fangirls!
Normal fans are okay, but everyone knows I have bad luck. 

We walked through the doors of the mall and immediately were spotted by a group on fans. They looked really cool so we walked over to them.
Let me tell you! Worst mistake ever! 
The girl at the front glared at me.
"Who's that fugly girl?" She snarled making her friends laugh.
I raised an eyebrow not taking the words to heart.
"She's my daughter, and if don't respect that you're no fan of mine."
Vic stated taking up for me.
The girl gasped.
"YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!?" She screamed acting as if she had a say in the matter.
"She'll just get in the way of your career!"
Vic and I slowly started backing away ready to bolt.
"3. 2. 1." He whispered as she turned to see what the girl behind her would say.
We ran, and they chased us.
After running for what felt like hours the security threatened to kick us all out before addressing the situation. He understood, thankfully, and made the girls go home for the day.
We made our way to hot topic and a few other stores before heading back to the bus.
"That's not something I wanna relive." 
I muttered making Vic laugh.
We told the guys about what happened, and they laughed. I smiled shaking my head. Tomorrow Lydia and I were going to watch om&m and ptv play live, so that was something to look forward too. 
I sighed leaning back and closing my eyes falling asleep on accident.
When I woke up it was 1am and I was curled up beside Vic on the couch, his arm protectively around me. I snuggled closer to him. He smiled and let me fall back asleep.
I think it's safe to say I'm getting better. I'm not perfect, but I'm better.

So I re wrote this and made it 3445876873867 times longer  and yeah so basically its a new update and I'll be deleting the last one after a while So yeap!  Also my sister has been home from college which is why I'm able to write my story. I'm using her computer.  Writing on my phone is extremely hard. Hopefully I can get a laptop next Christmas . I don't know. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I love you all.


(not edited)

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