9. Moving

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Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii😁 (me screaming like a little girl)


Me and Kate (yunofangirl)has been looking for places to live, and now we found a place we really like, and her cousin are going to look at it for us tomorrow☺,  since she lives in the city we're moving to and because it takes about two and a half to three hours to drive there🙄

I've never met her, but what an amazing person 😭😭❤❤

I really hope we get the dorms🥴🤗

(Apparently, the landlords son lives there,  but who cares😶🤣)


Amajan2 book nooooooooow!😳🤣🤣🤣🤣❤


I want to see my friends😥
I miss them. Amalie and Kate makes me so happy, and not seeing anyone really makes me sad.

I wish I could be quarantined with them and R and we could just have that damn Harry Potter marathon😁🥰

(I'm not an Harry Potter fan.. -yet!😏)

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