How You Met (Pt. 2)

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- Ben -

You were an artist. Not many agreed with that though, considering you spray painted on buildings in the middle of the night. Even if it wasn't legal, anyone could agree that what you made was nothing less than beautiful.

Your work had even caught the eye of the Hargreaves, considering they were your new inspiration.

Now that the Umbrella Academy was loosing it's popularity, you thought now was the perfect time to maybe keep at least some of that love alive.

You had to admit, you were a huge fan of the Hargreaves. The idea of being a hero inspired you to no end, even if you could only express your fangirling through art.

In the middle of making your mural for Number Five, you realized you had ran out of navy blue. You walked to the nearest store you knew sold paints, it was like a mini Home Depot.

While picking out your favorite brand, you felt eyes on you. You turned around, but saw nothing. Not liking how you felt, you grabbed two cans and rushed to the check out.

While walking home, you couldn't shake the feeling of being followed. So you decided to test your theory.

Turning into an alleyway, you hid behind a trashcan so that no one turning the same corner would see you.

Someone with a hood pulled over their head walked in, then paused.

You held your breath, until the person threw a fucking knife forward, it somehow swerving straight towards you.

In the last second, you were pulled away, something gripping around your torso. You squeezed you eyes closed and let out a shriek, flailing around as you felt yourself being lifted high up.

"Diego! What do you think you are doing!? That's not how you approach someone!"

You slowly opened your eyes, finding that you were being held up by a tendril, one that you recognized as Number Six's. You looked to the base of it, proving your suspicions, as you saw two of your literal heros, Number two and Number Six. Six holding you in the air, a few feet above the ground with a single tendril, while yelling at his brother.

"Aw c'mon man, I wasn't going to hurt her, just pin her to the wall." Two rolled his eyes, yanking off his hood.

"Doesn't matter," Six slowly put you back down, retreating the arm away and pulling his shirt back over his stomach, "we wanted to meet her, not scare her."

"Uh..." You took a few steps towards the two on wobbly legs, "it's... it's fine really. I mean if you didn't mean any harm..." You trailed off.

"See, she's on my side, Ben." Two stated triumphantly, turning to you, "Hey so uh, I'm Diego, this is my brother, Ben. I'm sure you know us though right? Because you're the one making all the paintings and stuff all over?" They have names? Since when... wait are they gonna arrest me or something?

"Yeah, that's me..." You didn't know where this was going so you were cautious, but also freaking out. These were your role models, this was a dream come true, they're actually talking to me holy fuck

"Anyway," Ben spoke up, "we just, saw all your murals, especially the ones of us. We just... wanted to thank you, I guess." How can someone be older than me but a thousand times cuter

"Oh! No thanks necessary, you're all a pleasure to paint, I should be thanking you really. If you're not going to turn me in or anything for graffiti, you're more than welcome to hang out with me while I work on my latest," wow, great job Y/N, real smooth, they wanted to thank you dumbass not be your friend, "o-only if you want to that is..." You trailed off,

"Wow really? Damn, Ben, this turned out better than we hoped!" Diego nudged Ben,

"We'd have to ditch training for tomorrow, dad is probably looking for us by now..." Sighed Ben.

"Alrighty then, meet me here tomorrow at eight. I was planning on going home anyway. Oh and bring face masks or something, don't want the fumes to get to you." You smiled, trying not to show how much you were doing an internal keyboard slam,

"Sounds good... see you then...?" Ben trailed off, realizing he didn't know your name,


- Allison -

Being a stunt double was not the greatest job. You did all the cool bits of the movie, was never really recognized for your work, and it all depended if you really looked like the actor. The pay was pretty alright though so you continued.

Your next job was a spy movie with your long-time actor partner who you normally doubled for. You weren't needed for filming yet but you were required on set, so you hung around to steal the food for the actors because you're a lil shit.

You decided to visit your acting double and the director to ask for the exact days you were needed, even though the answer would probably be something like "it doesn't matter, we hired you so you have to be here no matter what" or some bull shit like that.

You were looking off to the distance, people watching as you walked through the trailers, thinking about how you could convince the director to lit you bring your dog tomorrow. That is, until you ran into someone.

You both let out and 'oof' and went tumbling down onto your asses. You were seriously pissed and about to yell until you looked up to see the costar for the movie, Allison Hargreaves.

Panicking about maybe loosing your job, you sprung to your feet and offered her your hand, apologizing profusely.

You stopped mid sentence when she started giggling loudly, taking your hand and standing up,

"Calm down," she laughed, "it was more my mistake than yours. I don't believe we've met, I'm Allison Hargreaves, your my costar's double, right?"

You were a stuttering mess but managed to get your name out somehow. You realized that you two were still holding hands so you, being the smooth weirdo you were, opted for kissing the top of her hand.

When you pulled away, you were literally screaming at yourself because she probably thinks you're even more weird then you actually were. You were about to make a getaway until she started giggling again, "Wow no one has ever done that before!"

You just rolled with it,

"Well I am known for being extremely polite..." Where am I going with this



And thus started your weird flirtatious relationship with Allison Hargreaves.

- Vanya -

Vanya was walking to her violin practice, thinking about how she could get noticed enough to get a chance at the front row, taking a different route than normal. She soon realized that she was humming along with the tune that was coming from around the corner.

She kept on walking, first chair forgotten, following her ears and turning onto the next block. There, she saw a handsome/beautiful wo/man strumming and singing with so much emotion. Just sitting in front of a building, back to the wall. They were surrounded by a few curious passerbys that formed a half circle around you.

Vanya couldn't remember what the song was, but the way you played it so beautifully made her just wanted to sit there all day, listening.

You soon finished the song, finally looking up to smile at the people tossing coins and dollars into your guitar case. You looked at your phone for a second to check for messages, but you got distracted, as you saw a delicate hand place a five dollar bill lightly in the case.

Out of courtesy, you looked up to smile and thank them (them being Vanya), and paused as you looked into a pair of beautiful eyes. She smiled shyly, glancing at her watch, then hurried away, not wanting to be late.

I hope I see you again

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