We Meet Again (Pt. 2)

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Y/F/T/S - Your Favorite Television Show

- Ben -

Ben looked into the mirror as he stood in the bathroom, tying a red bandana around his face just below his eyes.

He tilted his head to the side, sort of liking the badass look it gave off.

Hehe gangsta, he thought

There was a few knocks at the door, "Yo, Ben," Diego whisper yelled, "c'mon man let's go. If we don't get going she'll leave without us!"

Ben opened the door, finding his brother leaning on the opposite wall with similar clothes to him, all black. Diego looked up, showing he had found an actual face mask.

"Where'd you find that?" Ben asked as he zipped up his leather jacket,

"The medical room. You know, the one we had to go to when you broke your leg?" They made their way to Fives old room, ignoring the overwhelming sadness they felt for loosing their brother.

Ben shivered, "God, don't remind me. I can still remember seeing the bone sticking out." He opened the window and walked through,

"Ugh, same." Diego gagged, following his brother down the rusty latter.

They retraced their steps back to the alleyway they found you in. Neither of them were completely sure as to why they wanted to hang out with a graffiti artist. It was Ben's idea originally, he wanted to see the man/woman behind the job. He was simply curious, Diego just happened to tag along.

The fact that you turned out to be drop dead gorgeous/handsome was unexpected. You offering to let them watch you work was even more unexpected. Both were great though.

Now it was nine. They had been waiting for so long, and both were starting to shiver,

"Dude I think they ditched us. Let's just head back." Diego rubbed his hands together.

Ben stayed still, knees hugged close to his chest, "They're coming. I know they are." I hope, he thought,

"Face it, man. We got played." Diego made his way to Ben, offering his hand,

"And here I was, thinking it was the other way around."

The two boys whipped their heads to the end of the alley, where you stood, taking your hands out of your pockets to take off a gas mask. A small smirk plastered on your face.

"And just where the hell were you?! We've been waiting for hours!" Diego pulled a relieved looking Ben up,

"Where was I? Dude where were you? I was in literally the next alley over. You know, the one you tried to kill me in yesterday? I hope you're happy, I just lost good painting time." You strapped on the mask and made your way through the alley, passing the boys and gesturing for them to follow.

They knew they were in the right alley, but they stayed silent for your sake.

"So... you do all this with a single flashlight attached to your shoulder?" Ben questioned, straightened his bandana. He and Diego were seated on the dumpster opposite the mural in progress.

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