They Realize They Like You (Pt. 1)

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- Luther -

You and Luther had been hanging out a lot, and it was the greatest time of Luther's life.

You hadn't noticed, but for the past five months of meeting with Luther, you had been pushing back taking any jobs, just to see Luther more.

Luther had noticed though, and was waking up everyday with a smile on his face, knowing he'd see you later that day.

That morning, he sat with his siblings, he hummed a small toon as he scarfed down his bacon and eggs.

Diego exchanged a look with Klaus, "Hey, uh, Luther?"

Luther glanced up and gave a big closed mouth grinned, acknowledging his brother before going back to his breakfast.

"You've been real happy lately, hanging out with that astronaut and all..." Diego trailed off, getting distracted by how Luther was so close to clogging up his throat with all the food he was shoveling into his mouth, "and I was just curious, are you two dating or something? It seems like you love her..." Diego chuckled, trying to make a joke.

Luther choked on his eggs, coughing them back into plate.

Five gave a disgusted look, then smirked while he walked away, remembering he reacted the same way when he realized he loved Delores.

Diego and Klaus stood up, not wanting to be a target for Luther's egg spewing.

Klaus approached Luther slowly as he calmed down, staring at his nasty ass scrambled eggs.

Klaus put a hand on his shoulder awkwardly, asking if he was ok,

Luther slowly looked up to make eye contact with with Diego,

"I guess I sorta do..."

- Diego -

Diego's POV

It's been five days since Y/N ran out of the gym. I physically can't function anymore.

When we were sparing, all I could think about how perfect they looked. The focus in their eyes was so intense, I could barely restrain myself from pinning them down and kissing them senseless.

I sat down on my bed and placed my head in my hands, desperately remembering every time I saw them just to keep myself sane.

When I first saw them, I didn't think much of them. I knew they liked me though. They blushed and refused to look me in the eye when the old man was signing them up.

I was in a relationship with Eudora and I loved her, even though I'll admit I checked out Y/N quite a lot.

What can I say? They were hot.

After Eudora and I broke up, I spent more time at the boxing studio. I was so angry, but then I saw them fighting.

It was surreal. They had moves I had never seen before. They never bragged when they won, just said good game, then walked away.

I trained in the corner of the gym every day, trying to figure out a way I could approach them. They intrigued me.

When I asked to fight with them, it was just an excuse to find a way to ask them out.

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