Their Favorite thing about you (Sandersides)

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Thomas: He loves your passion,how competitive you can be,and how you have great strategy you have he loves your eyes and how passionate and how they light up when you win a game

Logan: He loves your smarts and how passionate you are about your work ,He loves how perseverance you are,and how you never give up and when you cant find a way to build something you find another way he loves your hands he loves to watch them work 

Patton: Your passion for your work , how kind and gentle you are with each animal you rescue,and how you never give up on a animal he loves your mouth because of your soft caring voice and your kind gentle words that come out of your mouth when you talk to the animals

Roman: Your makeup work,How patient you are when it comes to makeup and others,your  communication skill  he loves your hair and how it (female) perfectly flows down your shoulders

Virgil:Your Persistence to get a piece of art work done, Your Patience for your customers,Your passion for your artwork  he loves your hands he loves to watch them make gentle brush strokes across the canvas and how soft they are

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