Things that remind them of you (percy Jackson)

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(Yes sadly in this you are dead)

Percy:  it not only reminds him because your picture of you and him of you also that it has the places you did some of your favorite things

Percy:  it not only reminds him because your picture of you and him of you also that it has the places you did some of your favorite things

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Annabeth: She would always wear the necklace because you got it for her birthday and it always helped her remember you 

Annabeth: She would always wear the necklace because you got it for her birthday and it always helped her remember you 

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Grover:  He would always cry when he saw it because it always reminded him of you because it had a picture of both of you on it and it had your writing on it

Grover:  He would always cry when he saw it because it always reminded him of you because it had a picture of both of you on it and it had your writing on it

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Thalia: you got it when you started dating her because you knew that someday you would die young because most half bloods barely made it to adulthood

Thalia: you got it when you started dating her because you knew that someday you would die young because most half bloods barely made it to adulthood

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Luke: It reminds him of you because you would always say stuff like it when you were alive

Luke: It reminds him of you because you would always say stuff like it when you were alive

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Nico:  The hoodie reminds him of you because it was your favorite hoodie and it still smells like you and it comforts him when he is sad 

Nico:  The hoodie reminds him of you because it was your favorite hoodie and it still smells like you and it comforts him when he is sad 

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Beckedorf:  it reminds him of you because it brings back good memories of you and him and it also sometimes brings back bad memories like when you died (Imagine he didn't die )

Beckedorf:  it reminds him of you because it brings back good memories of you and him and it also sometimes brings back bad memories like when you died (Imagine he didn't die )

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Rachel: You saved it for since  you started dating her because you knew that someday you would die young because most half bloods barely made it to adulthood

Rachel: You saved it for since  you started dating her because you knew that someday you would die young because most half bloods barely made it to adulthood

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