Tony Stark Tribute

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Last Word - "And I am Iron Man."

His Famous Quotes-

"I told you i don't want to join your super secret boy bands'

"I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into a enormous green rage monster"

"Doth mother know you weareth her drapes"

"Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk"

"Have you ever tried shawarma i don't know what it is but i wanna try it"

"We have a hulk"


"I am Iron man" 

Family - Avengers / Morgan Stark and Pepper Pots

Lovers - Pepper Pots

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Note from me -   He was never one of my favorites but in endgame he proved himself to me he may have had a big ego but. He died nobly saving thousands he leaves behind a wife and a Daughter and a bigger legacy than any other famous person and some big shoes to fill i have a feeling morgan will grow up to be a smart, headstrong girl with the passion of living up to her hero dad legacy.

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