Your super hero name /powers (Arrow)

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(Yes you have powers you were born with them)

Oliver:  your powers are Portal_Creation ,Super speed,Super strength,Enhanced Smarts The others call you Prophet Tide because You can make insults sound like compliments. You can make a grown man cry from your sarcastic wit. You are Prophet Tide because you bring emotional and intellectual intensity in waves. No one can talk to you for long without melting to the floor and begging for mercy.

Laurel: Your powers are Invisibility ,Super speed ,Super strength,Enhanced_Accuracy The others call you Doctor Regalo Most doctors have the ability to heal, but you don't do that. You have one superpower and it's all about others! You give, give, give! Regalo means gift in Spanish 

Tommy:  your powers are Adoptive_Muscle_Memory,Deflection The  others call you Ms Surprise because you are always surprising them with your movements and your fighting 

John D: Your powers are  Hyper_Awareness,Enhanced_Swordsmanship,Supernatural_Combat The others call you Ninja because you are basically a ninja 

Thea: Your powers are Supernatural_Reflexes ,Supernatural Durability,Technology_Manipulation The others call you Mis Supernatural because of your Supernatural powers

Felicity:  Super Smarts ,Telekinesis ,Telepathy  The others call you Mind Girl


Adoptive_Muscle_Memory - The user can copy any/all movements/actions after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. With these skills, they can become masters and incredible at what they do, by combining what several forms and movements in rhythmic motions instead of using the same thing over.User can copy how a person aims, giving themselves incredible marksmanship; however, if they wanted to use certain weapons, they would have to watch a person fire that weapon in order to be able to copy it .

Enhanced_Accuracy- User can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in their brain center for aim, accuracy, and precision drastically improved. They need only to aim for an instant before they can precisely hit a target with a projectile.

Deflection- The user is capable of deflecting attacks, normally projectiles or blunt force, away from themselves. While usually a defensive method, it can be utilized as an offensive technique by redirecting the deflected attacks against others, or even against the original attacker.

Hyper_Awareness-The user has an increased sense of awareness far above those of the user's species, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.

Enhanced_Swordsmanship-Users are able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the , including anything sword-shaped such as . They are able to wield a sword with incredible expertise in speed, power, and skill, allowing them to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through a solid material such as steel, and even hold back their strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them.The user is able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what they want. This ability also allows them to become naturally skilled with multiple swords or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat. Their remarkably fast weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles in order to cut their intended target.

Supernatural_Combat-Users possess immense combat skills, both offensive and defensive, that far surpass other beings of their verse. Their skills may be innate, honed or both.

Supernatural_Reflexes- Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior reaction speeds over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them able to react faster than regular beings (in that verse).

Supernatural_Durability - The user's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. are extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful forces on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc. In addition, users usually possess drastically enhanced levels of and , due to how durable their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing muscles and/or breaking their bones.

Technology_Manipulation- User can create, shape and manipulate and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology." Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data User can control the flow of intricate machinery, and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance. A variation of , they control specific electrons and instructs them which items to engage or disengage and may be able to use the electric impulses to gently control smaller metal parts.

Telekinesis -  The ability to move anything with your mind

Telepathy- communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means

extrasensory-perception (as in telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition) that involves awareness of information about events external to the self not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience

(You don't want to mess with anyone with both Deflection and Adoptive_Muscle_Memory that will surly get you killed)

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