Chapter 12

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Everyone had come back to Forks and tried to get back to their regular lives. Evelyn has been helping Bella around the house and helped her with her daily life things like showering and getting dressed. Jacob had come to visit the two girls, glad to see that they were ok as can be. Evelyn had even got back to patrolling. She knew that there were still vampires out there. Sam, Paul, and Jared were also glad that she was ok; they all had gotten close as a pack and they all cared for each other. Bella and Charlie were also back on speaking terms, even though it was still awkward and tense between because of what Bella had said to him before she fled. Ever since the events that had happened to her sister. Evelyn had been really stressed out and was always worrying for her sister. When she wasn't helping Bella, Evelyn spent most of her time drawing random things locked in her room. Evelyn felt so guilty at the fact that she wasn't there for her sister when she was practically dying which is why she was always so stressed, she threw herself into anything that could distract her but she could never escape the guilt she felt for leaving her sister all alone. She didn't know what she do if she lost her sister.

Evelyn was currently helping her sister get ready for her junior prom. She helped her sister into a blue dress that Alice had let her borrow. She had tried to convince her sister to wear at least flats to her prom but she refused and put on a pair of black and white sneakers. She finished with her sister's hair and left the room to let her do whatever else she wanted to do. She made her way downstairs to see that Edward was already here. She gave him a small smile and stood beside her dad.

"Any day now, Bella!" Evelyn yelled up the stairs

Just then Bella walked down the stairs in her blue dress. She still had a cast on her leg. She looked over to Edward and it looked he had fell in love with Bella all over again.

"Alice lent me the dress and the cast is...." Bella said stopped in the middle of the stairs

"You're perfect" Edward reassured

Bella came down the rest of the stairs and joined Edward's side, "I'll take care of her Chief Swan"

"Uh huh, I've heard that before" Charlie said smugly

Evy and Charlie watched the two of them walk out of the house and drive off. Evelyn sighed and went to the kitchen for something to eat. She had just started eating when she heard a knock at the door. She was surprised at what she saw at the door; it was Jacob and he was dressed in a white button up shirt that was untucked, a pair of black slacks, and a loose tie on.

"Hey, Evy" Jacob smiled

"Hey, Jake" she said leaning against the door

"I was thinking uuhhh....maybe we can have our own little prom" he said obviously nervous

Evelyn gave a small laugh, "I'd love that"

Evelyn and Jacob had spent the rest of the evening just dancing. When they got tired they sat down in her living room and watched movies. Evelyn has never felt more content in any other moment in her. She felt safe with Jacob; she felt like she could rely on him for anything.

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