Chapter 6

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While we're sitting inside the service car, I can't help but admire Ry from the other side of the car. She's still mad at me so she sat as far away from as this car would allow. I smile to myself. She's so feisty, yet so sweet and kind.

I remember seeing her while she was walking downtown and I was waiting inside the car across the street. She has been working for me for about a month. She was trying to catch a cab. There was an old man begging for some change or maybe food to eat, I don't know. The others ignored the old man and continued walking, while she stopped to look for something in her bag. When she found it, she walked over to the man, grabbed his hand and gave him some money. He touched the man's hand with such compassion. The man smiled at her and she smiled back at him, while patting his shoulder.

She walked back towards the waiting taxi. I thought she was getting in, but I was surprised to find the taxi speeding off and she was still standing there counting something in her wallet. I see her shrug and started to walk. In that moment I realized that she just gave her taxi fare to the old man and now she was going to walk all the way home. I sat there for a second in awe of her. I realized what she was doing and before I knew it I was out of the car calling her name, while trying to chase her at the same time. She finally heard me and was surprised to see me. I walk up to her and asked her, "Where are you going Ms. Adams?"

"I was on my way home Sir."

"I see, aren't you going to grab a cab?"

"Uh...uh no. I like to walk, and I need some exercise, so I decided to walk instead," she said to me.

"Why don't I give you a ride instead. I'm parked across the street."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary."

"Harry, you're wearing heels, and you're telling me you're going to walk all the way home. You're trying to kill your feet," I said jokingly, while smiling at her.

She smiled back and said, "I'm sure my feet will be fine Sir."

"Ms. Adams please, please let me drive you home, it would make me feel better," I give her my puppy dog eyes and pout.

She laughs at me, "if you're sure it won't be too much trouble?"

I shake my head, "It would be my pleasure."

I didn't tell her that I saw what she did, but from that moment on, I knew she was unlike all the other women I've been associated with. She was special.

"Will you stop staring at me!" she said, breaking through my thoughts.

"You're still mad at me," I said.

She ignores me and turns to look out the window. I decided to move to her side.

She turns towards me and asks, "What are you doing?"

I ignore her question, I grab her hand. She tried to pull her hand away, but I hold on to her tightly.

"Ry, I'm sorry ok. Don't be mad at me anymore." I beg her with my puppy dog eyes and I give her my best pout.

I see a trace of smile on her face. So I bat my lashes at her to seal the deal.

She laughs, and she surprises me by hugging me. I hug her back.

"I'm sorry too," she said.

"I just want you safe Harry. You have to admit, it's not a safe neighbourhood."

She pulls back and looks at me.

"I know, but that's why I'm saving all the money I can so I can pay back my student loan and pay the rest of my mom's medical bill."

"What happened to your mother?" I ask her. I see sadness in her eyes whenever she mentions her mother's name.

"My mom died a year after my dad died. She died from breast cancer. It was so quick. She was diagnosed 5 months before her death. I didn't know she had cancer because she hid it from me. She refused to get any treatments because of the expenses. We were barely getting by after my dad died from a car accident. We had used up all our money paying for my dad's medical bills and burial. I had just started college and my mom decided it was best not to tell me because she knew I would stop my studies to take care of her. She knew I would do everything and anything just to give her proper care," she said while tears are rolling down her cheeks.

I wipe her tears away, "it's not your fault. You didn't know."

"But I was so selfish. My mom knew how much I wanted to become a nurse, that's why she didn't tell me. She wanted me to fulfill my dreams." She was crying hysterically now.

I hugged her tight and whisper soothing words.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry all over you," she said.

"It's ok. Ry, why aren't you a nurse? I mean I thought you said you were studying to be one?"

"I was, but I when my mom passed away I found myself in a huge debt and I just couldn't afford to stay in school for long, so I decided to switch to a shorter course program, so I could start work right away and pay my bills."

I am in awe of her. The world has been hard on her, but she's so strong and she has overcome all the trials she has faced.

"You're mom and dad would have been proud of you Harry Elizabeth Adams. You've overcome and faced all the trials that have come your way."

She smiles at me, "thank you"

I put my shoulders around her and hug her tight to my side. She rests her head on my shoulder and we stayed like this the rest of the drive to my apartment.

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