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2 years later


"Ry, sweetheart?" I heard Alex call for me, but before I could answer, our son beat me to it. I chuckled.

"Dada, dada," our 2 year old son called for him, while running to greet him at the door. I followed slowly behind him. It's hard for me to catch up to him nowadays, being 6 months pregnant with twins.

Alex caught him and scooped him up into his arms.

"Hi buddy, were you good for mommy?" He asked our son Ryan Alexander Harrington. We named him after my dad and of course, his dad, my husband. The man who has made all my dreams come true.

I smiled at the sight before me. I will never get tired of watching my two boys. They are the love of my life.

Ryan is the exact replica of his dad. He even mastered his dad's puppy dog eyes and pout, and just like his dad, he used it to get his way. I shook my head and chuckled, he's going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up, I thought to myself.

Our son nodded enthusiastically. "I fweel baby move in mwommy's twummy," he said.

Alex and I laughed an that's when Alex noticed me standing there watching them. He smiled at me with love and happiness in his eyes.

"And how are you my most beloved wife and our twins," he asked while walking towards me.

"Huge, but happy," I said.

He leaned down to kiss me sweetly on the lips, "you've never looked more beautiful," he said, while rubbing my tummy.

He chuckled. "They seem happy," he said, feeling the twins move and kick.

I laughed, "Your son and daughter have been at it non-stop. I think they could sense you were coming home, that's why they're both so excited. We all missed you so much you know," I said, happy that Alex is back. He's been gone with his Dad, Roger to finalize some business matter. This is the first time I haven't gone with Alex to any of his business trips, due to doctor's orders. It's hard to be away from him for such a long time, but we both don't want to risk my health, as well as the twins safety. It's funny how someone can be a part of you in a way that you feel incomplete whenever ever the other is not around. I smiled remembering my own mother's words.

"I missed all of you more. Especially you my most beloved and beautiful wife," he said sweetly.

"I feel beautiful when you look at me like that," I said breathlessly.

"Because it's true." He leaned down to kiss me again, but found himself kissing our son's hand. We all laughed.

Our son laughed mischievously, seeming proud of what he has done. Alex turned to him and tickled him mercilessly.

I smiled feeling content and happy.

We've come so far. We've gone through so much, and our love has only grown stronger.

Later that evening, after putting our son to bed, Alex and I are standing in our balcony enjoying the night. He's been gone for a week and I have missed him terribly. I snuggled closer in his embrace. "I missed you so much my love," I said.

"Not as much as I missed you," he said kissing the top of my head. "I'm sorry it took longer than I thought it would. Dad wanted to make sure that everything was settled before we go back. We didn't want another unnecessary trip in case something needs to be sorted out."

I smiled and nodded. Alex and his Dad have also created a strong bond. They are still catching up for lost time, but they're both just so happy and thankful to be in each other's life. Alex has grown to love Jane as well, like she was his real mom. Our family is growing and I can't ask for anything more. I have been blessed with such a wonderful life.

"I love you Alex," I said to him, looking into his eyes.

"And I love you," he said leaning down to kiss me. His kiss is full of promise: A promise of a lifetime filled with love and happiness.

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