Chapter 17

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I hear a gasp from behind us. Jane and I turn to see where the sound came from. It was Harry. Looking at her expression, I knew she heard everything.


"Is it true? Alex is your son?" She asked still in shock.

"Yes. It's true. Harry let me explain. Please." I beg her to hear me out.

We found a place to sit and talk and I explained everything to her.

"I want to tell him myself. He's been through a lot. I don't know the depths of it, all I know is what I was able to uncover." I tell her.

"I'm sure he'll forgive you. Don't worry, I won't tell him, but please tell him right away. He is my husband and I don't want to keep this from him longer than I should. I hope you understand," she said.

"Of course. And Harry, I don't know exactly what happened between you two, but I'm glad you've given each other a second chance.

She simply nodded.

"Harry, I've been looking everywhere for you. I was so worried!" Alex said from behind us.

"Sorry, I needed to go to the ladies room and bumped into Roger and Jane. I didn't mean to worry you."

"Of course," Alex said.

"Congratulations again to the both of you!" I said.

"Thank you, Roger, Jane. I hope you are enjoying yourselves."

"We are Sir thank you. Well you better get back to your guests," I said, knowing Harry was getting nervous and uncomfortable.

"If you'll excuse us then," Alex said.


I still can't believe everything, I've just found out. Roger is Alex's dad.

"Harry are you okay? Ry? Are you alright?" Alex asked me interrupting my thoughts.

I turn to him and nod, "I'm okay, let's go back to our guests," I said. The look on his face says he didn't believe I was okay. I know he can tell I'm hiding something from him. Thankfully he doesn't push the subject. He nodded and guided me back to the reception.


After returning to our seats. I grabbed my glass and knife to get everybody's attention. "I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful wife, sitting here beside me. Harriette Elizabeth Adams Harrington , you have made me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife. I've made a lot of mistakes in the past, but marrying you is the one thing I have done right. You once told me that your father always said that "Love is a gift" and I never really understood that nor have I believed in love until I met you...and lost you. But your father was right, love is a gift, and it is the greatest gift anyone could ever get, and I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a gift. Thank you...thank you for giving me a second chance. Thank you for showing me what love is....To my wife Harry!" I said raising my glass. By the time my speech ended Harry was in tears. I know I didn't say the words, but I wanted her to hear it first.


I can't believe it, that bastard. How dare he bring my father into this sham of a marriage.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Alex said from behind me. I've been trying to control my anger till we get back home, and now, nothing's stopping me.

"What's wrong? You're asking me what's wrong? How dare you! How dare you bring my father into this? God, I knew you were a bastard but I didn't think you'd stoop so low. I gotta give it to you, you've won everybody's hearts with that speech," I spat at him angrily.

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