Chapter 24: Long Awaiting

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When the gun went off, everyone in the house tensed and looked around to see who had been shot.

Jasmine was now between Gabriela's thighs, her knees pressed tightly around the pregnant woman. The gun she had been holding was a few feet from the two, somewhere next to Ramiah and Dirac. She grabbed her throat and squeezed, the only person who seemed not to care about who the bullet has hit.

Dirac also had Ramiah pinned to the floor, punching the already badly busted face. He gave Ramiah a lamp with his left hook that send the blood flying to the walls. Ramiah send a few punches in but they could not to match the strength of Dirac's hate.

Rogue was in the pool of his own blood on the floor, groaning in pain as the chair still held his wrists and ankles captive under the ropes.

Dirac got off the barely conscious Ramiah and went to help the now bleeding Rogue. He untied the man's hands which shot to his thigh to cup the splash of blood flowing to the floor.

Ramiah picked the gun fast and raised it to Dirac, aiming to shoot. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, the door burst open and his hand was blown off the gun.

He held it to himself, concerned about the hole in his hand as the gun dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

Everyone turned to the widely open door to see King filling the whole entrance as he advanced to Ramiah. Two more men followed him in with their guns in the air.

"Drop your weapons." King warned, his eyes fixated on Ramiah as he was trying to reach the gun with his other hand. Blood streamed down his face and his hand but he seemed more focused on trying to kill Dirac. He let go of the gun and raised his arms in surrender.

"Get off her." Another one of King's men shouted at Gabriela, who still had Jasmine under her legs, slapping her brown cheeks.

She slowly climbed off her and knelt down with her hands up. She looked towards Dirac and Rogue with spitting hatred.

"Are you taking me to prison, that's not a good idea." She laughed. "Remember payments to Ignacio are in your name, Rogue."

"Excerpt you confessed to killing them." King interjected at he got to Dirac and lifted him up, pulling a recorder from his belt. "I planted this on him. Proof for what you and Ramiah did. Shooting Dalais and killing Euless and his wife.

Gabriela went pale, trying to figure out her next move and realising there isn't any.

"I loved you, Rogue. I loved you and you betrayed me. I gave you children and this is how you repay me?"

"Don't play victim. You took more from me than you ever gave." Rogue said between clenched teeth. "I hope you rot in jail."


"I can't do that." Dirac spoke his voice breaking. "I can't authorise that."

"It's a good thing you're not in authority then, Mr Dewitt. His family is, and here it says Jasmine Euless is the only family he has left." Dr Martin said calmly, ignoring Dirac's fuming red face.

"I'm the one paying the bills." Dirac barked before calming himself. "He is my partner damn it. Please. Give him another month."

"It's not my choice, Mr Dewitt. It's his. He signed the POLST and there's nothing we could do. We've already let him live for far too long because of you... he's been suffering for three months. The best I can give you is 24hours to say goodbye to him."

Dr Martin left Dirac standing there feeling hopeless. Dalais had been immobile for a long time and the best he had gotten was small twitches of his fingers which the doctor declared didn't mean much.

He left the hospital trying to figure out a way to deal with everything and started driving around Texas. Dalais was strong, he wouldn't give up, he was not going to let him. He knew one person who could help him out and that was Jasmine so he drove over to Rogue's place.

The past few months, Dirac has really been trying to patch things up with his father and although it has been a little awkward between them, their relationship has really improved. Rogue even told Dirac and Jasmine all about his relationship with Euless who to everyone's surprise was bisexual.

Apparently after Rogue married Gabriela it broke Euless' heart which was later mended by his loving and understanding wife and the two men had to let go of each other.

After Dirac knocked, he was welcomed by the warm smile of Franco who ushered him to the living room. His grim mood was very different from the bubbly one he was growing familiar with lately.

"What's going on?" Dirac asked once he realised everyone in the living room was in the same mood. Rogue had his hands cupped his hands between his legs and Jasmine was engulfed by piles of pillows on the floor, sighing every two seconds.

"Gabriela is not going to jail, just a mental institution and they think she's getting it easy. Ramiah is getting five years in jail because he didn't really do anything that discriminating. Ignacio on the other hand is getting life imprisonment, so that's a plus."

"I don't think the mental institution is any luxury for someone like Gabriela. I think she's getting exactly what she deserves."

"That's what I've been trying to tell them for the last half hour." Franco complained heading to the kitchen. "Christmas is in two weeks, I need life around my house. You want anything to drink, Dirac?"

"No thank you. I actually came to talk to Jasmine about Dalais." Jasmine's eye shot up and she stood up in a rush. "It's nothing so bad, don't worry."

Before another word was spoken, Jasmine's phone rang and she checked the ID. She raised a finger to ask for a moment to pick the call and Dirac nodded.

"Jasmine Euless speaking." There was a pause as Jasmine frowned. "Okay yah, I'm listening." Pause. "What? When? Really?" Pause. "Oh thank God. Thanks for letting me know." Pause. "He's right with me actually, I'll let him know." She hung up and a huge smile crept on her face.

"Dalais just woke up." She announced.



Thank you for reading my story. If you want to continue the wonderful adventures of Fairy Dust, please check out the second book "In Texan Arms" which is going to be Josh's story. It will feature a little bit of Dalais and Dirac as well but it's Josh's story. Thank you, again.

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