The Reunion

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The men had very powerful guns. They called for ambulances to save the wounded police. The gunshots were deafening. "officer Blake move to 4ab,"the officer in charge of the group commanded."As for you sir please stay as far away from here as possible you might get injured."
"But captain I can help I have my gun"
"Ryker do as I say, it's not a request."Ryker was not willing to just stay aside and watch. He wanted to kill all these men one by one. They had captured the two most important people in his life. They were to ship them as cargo, as if they were lifeless without meaning." No I can't let them disrespect my girlfriend and sister like that. They must pay," he thought to himself. "Captain I don't take your orders, so do what you want but I have a gun and I must let them pay for everything." The captain let him help them fight these bad guys. As the shooting Continued one of the guys was shot as he was shooting Ryker. This led the bullet in a different direction and it hit him in the chest. The armed criminal was to shoot him in the head where he would have died instantly but with the chest the doctors would try saving him. The other men were shot within no time. A few policemen lost their lives as well as a few of the men too. The injured policemen and men were taken to the same hospital where Sage and Mercy took Harriet. When Sage heard a commotion in the hall way she went to check what was happening. At that moment she saw Ryker on a stretcher. He was so bloody. His clothes were covered in blood.He wore his favorite white shirt. It was the shirt Sage bought him after the party. The shirt was torn into two. It was all red with very parts being coloured white. One could hear him struggle to breath from a far. They had placed a lot of cotton on the chest and it was all chocked in blood. So many nurses were  surrounding him thus that was all she could see. She tried to go near him but a certain nurse stopped her. He looked lifeless his eyes half open and looking miserable. "Ryker!!! Please nurse let me go to my boyfriend."
"No ma'am you can't see him right now."
"And why not he's my boyfriend. I have to see him or is he de..." Before she finished the statement she started crying. Mercy had been left in the room with Harriet. She heard Sage scream and she went running to see what was going on." Hey... Look at me... What's wrong. "
" He's dead mercy 😭😭😭they took him. He's dead." She couldn't stop crying. Mercy couldn't understand what was going on. Sage was not in a position to talk or explain anything. The nurse who stopped her gave her a pill to help her calm down." Mercy I think Ryker is dead."
" What do you mean dead. Who told you? Did you call the captain?"
"No I didn't call the cap... tain. (she cried in between words and statements) They brought him here. I saw him. He was covered in blood."
"Are you sure it's was him. Maybe it was somebody else."
"I know what I saw Mercy, besides why would I lie to you."Just at that moment she saw the doctor walk by and she ran to him. "Doctor how is Ryker? Is he OK?"
"Who are you to him ma'am?"
"Am her girlfriend," She said exhaling heavily.
"Sorry I can't talk to you I can only talk to a member of his family." Immediately Mercy shouted, "Am his only sister doctor 😷 please tell me what's going on with my brother 😵😵." The doctor sighed, "let's talk in my office." Mercy turned to Sage,"Everything will be OK. You saw thd wrong thing. Ryker is fine, OK?" She was also worried. Sage had not explained  to her very clearly and she was so anxious to know what was going on. Sage tried to follow the two but the doctor stopped her. "I'm only speaking to family ma'am." Mercy went to the doctors office where they talked and the doctor explained everything to her.Atleast that's what Sage hoped was happening as she waited eagerly outside the doctor's office. At that very moment two nurses came pushing a stretcher to where Sage was. "What's going on?" asked Sage but nobody answered her. The door flew open and that's when she saw Mercy lying on the floor. She immediately rushed to where Mercy was. "Mercy please wake up. We have to be strong for Ryker. He's going to be okay. Please wake up." She felt desperate and started crying again. "please wake up." She was shaking Mercy so hard that the doctor got her away from Mercy and they took Mercy away and placed her in a different room. "Sage I understand what you are  feeling but I want you to promise you will not go to cry in Mercy's room. Just go and sit with her silently OK?" Sage was not sure she would be able to control her tears because to be honest this was her second worst day. Her worst day being the day she lost her precious gem, her mother." Yes doctor I promise I will. "She wiped her tears and followed the two nurses. She sat on a sit beside Mercy's bed and at that moment she thought about her life. Why was she the cause of bad luck everywhere she went.She remembered the day her mother died.When Sage's sister arrived home from picking her daughter from school, she found Sage holding a bloody knife 🗡.Her mother lay on the floor her clothes full of blood. She rushed to where her mother was. Her mother looked so weak. Her eyes were half closed and she was barely breathing. She tried to talk but chocked on her own blood. "Don't talk mother. You will be fine I'll call the ambulance. All this while Sage stood rooted to the ground her clothes bloody and holding the bloody knife that stabbed her mother in the stomach. Her mother looked at them and uttered weakly," Your sister." and with that she breathed her final breath. Both daughters cried out in pain. They were silent for a while when suddenly Sofia started beating up her sister. "You killed her you useless bitch. You killed our mother. You always hated her for loving me so much." At that moment the ambulance came in followed by the FBI. The ambulance took their mother's body while the FBI questioned the two girls. Sofia consistently blamed Sage." Officer when I arrived home she was already stabbed. My sister was holding the knife and her clothes were so bloody. Before our mum died she uttered two words" your sister". It's evident she killed her. Officer lock her up for life, let her rot in jail. "
Since Sofias story was more convincing and all the evidence led to Sage they arrested Sage and that's when she was imprisoned.As she was deep in her thoughts she heard Mercy call to her." Sage! Sage.... "
" Hey dear you are awake.. What happened in that room"On the mention of that Mercy started crying again." The doctor told me that Ryker is gone. He is dead Sage my brother is dead. My only family is gone. "She could not imagine a life without her brother."How will I survive without anyone,Without a family.
"Mercy, you know I loved your brother so much. I'll always be thankful to him. The only way to repay him for his generosity is by being your family. You are like a sister to me and you will remain a sister to me till death separates us.Mercy remembered all their good and bad times together. She remembered the day Ryker was imprisoned. Till that day Mercy didn't believe her brother was capable of raping someone. She only attended his first case coz she couldn't bear to hear people give false witness against her gem.Both gave each other stories about Ryker. "The first time I saw Ryker, I fell in love with him. It was love at first sight. I always watched him during his lunch breaks and even asked some of my guy friends to always check on him for me. The first day I saw him, he had folded his orange overall exposing his biceps 💪. I could see all the vains in his hands. I stared at him so much that I thought I could see blood flow in his veins. The days went by and it was time for the modeling competitions. I had always loved modeling and I knew that this was the only chance I would get him to notice me. I started preparing for the competition. And on the run way he winked at me. From there we started talking. "

" How was the modeling? "Just as Sage was about to answer the doctor came in." Would you like to go and see his body?"Ofcourse they had to see him for the last time. They slowly followed the doctor to where his body was. As they were slowly walking behind the doctor, Sage noticed a familiar figure walking past them. She turned back but she could not see the person clearly. She stopped and saw the room the person entered and it was Harriet's room. "Sage hurry we are keeping the doctor." Sage followed quietly with lots of questions in her head. "Could that be the person she was thinking it was?But she didn't have a teenage daughter. What could she be doing here then?" None of these questions had answers. "Stop thinking so hard Sage I know you are worried and trust me I am too."They stood next to the body. It was covered in a white sheet." Are you ready ladies? "They were not ready but they had to do it. They both started crying. The doctor slowly opened the body from the feet to the head. At that very moment Mercy felt like puking and she ran to the washrooms. Sage followed hastily."Hey what's wrong?"
"Nothing I just felt like puking I haven't seen a dead body before." Sage was trying to calm Mercy down when she saw the same shoes she had seen with the lady who walked past her. They were inside a toilet. On seeing them she immediately went outside but the person was gone. She tried to search for the person but she could not find her.She went to Harriet's room and that's when she found the person. She was seated facing Harriet."Hello."
The person turned replying to the greeting.
"What are you doing here get out!!"
"No mum don't chase her she is the nice lady who saved my life."
"Nice? She killed your grandmother Harriet."

"Can we talk Sofia please. Let me explain things. And how is she your daughter? Your daughter is barely 10 years old."

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