16: It's a Typical Story

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Title: Glitter & Crimson by All Time Low

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual harassment and violence. (I will mark when it's safe to read and when it's not. If you'd rather have me summarize the chapter, DM me). STAY SAFE.

I walk to lunch with Rian and see Awsten sitting at the table. Rian walks to find Justin. I go to the table. "Hey, Awsten."

He looks up and grins at me. "Hi," he says. "Uh, can we talk?" He looks around. "Trace is in my art class, and he walking about you." Awsten takes a breath. "He kept commenting on your uh- your body."

I press my lips together. "Like what?" 

"Just... You're really small. Are you okay?" 

I place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine, Awsten. Don't worry about me." Jack walks over and sits down. Lisa and Tay come from the other side of the cafeteria. 

"Hey, Lex," Jack whispers and sits down. "Awsten, what even happened in English?"

"Well, I was trying to ignore some asshole, and suddenly a fork was thrown across the room. So my natural instinct was to growl at it."

Jack facepalms. "Natural instinct, huh?" 

"Jack, hey, so remember what happened during math?" Rian says, sitting down. "Well, I was thinking about it. He's technically wrong."

"What?" Jack's eyes widen. "We can win."

"I know! We just need to get it turned it- oh right, Jack and I are paired up for a project, and it's all timed. This one group is the only one that truly any competition, and we thought they'd win, but I thought about it some more- technically, he's wrong."

Jack and Rian high five. "I thought it was over," Jack laughs. 

Jack wraps his arm around my shoulders. He nods as greeting to Kellin, and Vic. 

"Hey, Jack. You feeling better?" Kellin asks as he sits down. Jack nods. "Good. Yesterday, Alex was acting so sad the whole time."

I roll my eyes and feel my face go hot. Jack glances at me. "Aw, shut up, Kellin," I grumble. Jack laughs and leans against me. 

"Hey, Jack," Lisa says and tosses him a bag. "After-sickness package. I make it every time someone gets sick. Been doing it for two years now." 

"Everyone is still confused about how you get all that stuff," Tay says. Lisa rolls her eyes. "Like, do you just pull it out of a hat and put in a special box? What even goes on?"

"It's called buying it in bulk," Lisa says and sips her tea. "It also helps me know who gets sick more often. Alex gets sick around four times a year, on average. Rian around twice. Tay three. Kellin and Justin like... Five." 

"Well, I get sick like twenty times a year, so have fun," Awsten mutters. "Fucking hate my body- like it's immune system is a shit hole of 'oops, you're sick again lol' and it sucks."

Lisa's eyes widen. "Well... That's- that's unfortunate." 

"Well don't worry about me, this is probably the last time I'll get sick- unless I'm drunk," Jack says. 

I let out a soft snort and Jack smiles at me. 


Mr. Harris walks up to Jack and I. He shoots Jack a glare before smiling at me. "Hello, Alex. Are you ready for this afternoon?"

"What?" Jack asks, looking at me. 

"uh y-yeah," I mumble. I turn to Jack. "I have to meet Mr. Harris after school, but I'll be out quickly."

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