the first step

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  • Dedicated to every person fighting leukemia


We laughed as we strolled through the playground, i was Grace Adams. i was popular, i was cool. i was the best. My super hot boyfriend was leaning against the gate waiting for me. i twisted my fingers through my waistlength black hair laughing. my life was perfect, and nothing could ever change that. i smile around at everyone. my dazzling smile, that an old man once told me, a smile that turned one thousand heads...

I look at myself in the mirror and feel my eyes flood with tears. I reach up to touch my head, feeling the smooth skin. just for a moment the picture distorts, and i suddenly see myself the way i used to look, long curly black hair, laughing blue eyes, chilling with my hot boyfriend and my mates. and my smile that made my whole face light up. at least i still have that smile. nothing can take that away from me. thats what my doctor told me, put your head high and show that i'm not a quitter. so thats why im dressed as i am today. In My St Elwards uniform ready to go to school. i'm not a quitter, and i never will be. i feel my tears simmer down and the lump in my throat lessen. it's up to me to show the world that i'm never giving up.

My brother Dan appears and smiles reassuringly."You look great Grace, keep smiling, because one day that smile is going to turn one thousand heads" he hugs me swiftly. then he carries my bag to the car and slides into the driving seat.

I slide on the supple leather as we speed along. my friends will hardly recognise me. my fingers stray to the silky scarf wrapped around my head. my breath quivers as i breathe in and out.

"Its ok Grace, u look beautiful." Dan clicks the keys and i realise that we're here. at school. kids are milling about everywhere. it seems years since i was here last, in reality it was only three months ago. Before the summer holidays, i had no idea that i would be here today, two months late since the start of term, i must have broken a record. the November air grips me as i get out the car and i shiver violently. My eyes scan the crowd for my boyfriend James. i see him immediately, chatting to a bunch of kids from my year over by the mobile classrooms. he flicks his dark blonde hair and smiles cheekily. i wave goodbye to Dan and walk across the tarmac, trying to hold my head high. peoples heads turn and stare as i weave between the rows of kids towards James. i pause beside them. he stares at me, almost as if trying to work out who i am.

"GRACE?!" he stares at me in disbelief. his eyes scan my head scarf, my grey skin, my bony wrists. 

"Hey." i look up at him with a smile. he's not smiling, he looks awkward. maybe a bit ashamed? 

"Er, Grace... this is tough... This is er, my girlfriend.... Kerry." He can't meet my eyes as behind him steps a pretty girl with pink cheeks and waistlength glossy blonde hair. my head spins. i try to control the tears as i realise whats happened. I've been replaced, cast aside. thrown aside like a broken toy, whilst the spoilt child reaches out for a new, perfect toy. I feel sick as i turn away and attempt a run across the courtyard. my whole world is falling apart. and theres nothing i can do about it.

Sorry that this parts so sad! part two will be better i promise! thanks for reading, Lizzie xx

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