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The bell for class rings loud and shrill, kids stampede towards the school buildings. laughing and chatting and smiling. i take a deep breath, drag a hand across my eyes, and walk slowly into class. my body aches but i don't give in, like i said. i'm not a quitter. the teacher looks at me with soft sad eyes. I don't want pity, i just want normality. i smile at her, and take my place. My best friend Jodie runs in, her long ponytail swinging as she bangs through the double doors. i hardly recognise her, three months has taken away the sweet girl i used to know, and replaced her with this grumpy doll. she hasn't texted or called or summer. and it hurts. she smoothes a coat of shiny lipstick on before swinging round and plumping herself down next to me. Jodie and i were so close before summer, you couldnt have slid a ruler between us... but since i got ill she hasn't texted me or called me once. she came around once to ask if i wanted to go to a party, of course, i said no, she never came back. three months has certainly made a difference to her, she looks taller, harder, meaner. she has a spot on her forehead, and her long toffee coloured hair has been died blonde. 

"Grace?!" she stares at me shaking her head in astonishment. "What happened to you... to... your hair?" she is staring at my head, her eyes wide. i sigh. the last thing i want is pity.

"I've got leukiemia Jodie... where have you been for the last three months? i texted you but you never replied, i called, i sent letters." i glance at her face, terrified that tears are about to spill down my face. she looks away, ashamed, embarrassed? maybe a bit of each. 

"Where were you?" i whisper softly.

"I was around." she looks away, and then i know the awful truth. i haven't just lost a boyfriend today, i've lost my best friend too. 

To be continued! (Sorry these parts have beem depressing, it will get happier!) thanks for reading! Lizzie xx

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