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[the chicken coop]
"And then we were right outside like this," JJ explained to Kie and Pope, leaning up against the brick of John B's house. He was recouting the events that went down at Lana Grubbs' amped up on adreneline. "And all we hear is just bam! Bam! Bam! Knocking paint chips off the wall, G! From the inside!"
He moved closer to where Pope and Kie were sitting, running hand through his hair. "Look at this shit!"
Kie made a face at her friend, "That's dandruff, disgusting."
"No," JJ defended," It's paint." He reached his hand over to Duchess, ruffling her hair. "Duchess has it too!"
The brunette slapped his hand away. "Get your grubby fingers out of my hair, JJ."
"Look at all that," JJ pointed to the floor, "That's paint. At that point, I was just like... waiting for death."
"I know he sounds dramatic guys," Duchess said calmly. JJ did sound crazy, so she wanted to make sure her friends believed how serious the situation was. "These guys shot at us. They left Lana Grubbs on the floor of her own house bleeding. This is deep shit."
Pope, ever the rational one, tried to asses the situation. He leaned forward in his seat on the beat up sofa, trying to put the pieces of everything together. "Okay so you saw the guys that shot at us right?"
"Yeah," JJ replied, still out of breath from yelling about their experience.
"Did you get a good description of them," was Pope's follow up question. "Anything we can bring to a police report."
Kie agreed, "Anything's helpful."
Duchess paced back in forth in the tiny sun room of John B's house. What the hell did these guys look like? "Scary as hell," she said, "They looked like criminals."
"Burly," JJ added.
"Burly criminals," Pope repeated, "You two cannot be serious."
"That's not very helpful," Kie said, defeated.
"I don't know Pope," Duchess exclaimed, "They just looked like the kind of guys that would show up at my apartment before my dad got locked up. I'm sorry that I was too busy trying to not die to memorize their faces!"
"Yeah," JJ agreed, "They were like the kind of guys at my dad's garage. I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers."