Chapter 1

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(Sonic's PoV)


My eyes shot open to Tails shaking the mess out of me.

"Tails stop! I'm getting dizzy..." I said, still sleepy. He let go of me almost pushing me back on my bed.

"Sonic you need to hurry up and get ready before we are late for school!"

I sat up and stretched my legs. "Alright I'm up. Don't shake me like that again or next time I'll end up puking on you."

I ran into the bathroom and got straight into the shower. When I was finished I dried myself off, put on my socks, shoes, and gloves, and went downstairs.

When I got down there, Tails grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the door.

"Eager to go to school aren't you?" I said with a small smirk.

"I just don't want to be late!" He said running with me out the door.

(Shadows PoV)

'Man their going to be late' I thought. I was already sitting at my desk waiting for the teacher to get here. Usually the teacher would be here by now, so would Sonic and Tails. 'They probably overslept'

"What are you thinking about so hard sugar~?" A voice said.

I turned around to meet a white bat looking back at me.

"Nothing of your concern, Rouge." I said growling a bit.

"Calm yourself down it was just a question. Anyway I probably can take a guess on what or who your thinking about~"

That made me growl even more.

All of a sudden, the teacher burst into the classroom with a whole lot of papers in his hands.

"More paper means more work.." I heard Knuckles mumble behind me.

Then the first bell rung, muting a yellow fox in the doorway screaming, "WE MADE IT!"

Behind him was Sonic covering his ears. They entered the classroom and took their seats: Sonic sitting on my left, and Tails sitting on Sonic's left.

"Why were you almost late today?" I asked the blue hedgehog.

"I overslept" he replied. The way he sounds makes him seem still sleepy.

"Alright class! I am very sorry I'm late today I was busy with grading your papers and printing out today's work!" Mr. Monk said.

Mr. Monk is a white and yellow cat with orange gloves and blue shoes. His eyes are orange and he never wears matching clothes. Today he's wearing the top part of a tuxedo with some blue jeans.

No one dared to ask why his last name was Monk.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My communicator was going off. It was from the G.U.N. Rouge's communicator was doing the same.

The teacher noticed this and said, "You two may be excused, if it's for the sake of the world, go save it!" I face palmed on how child-ish my teacher can be.

(Tails PoV)

As Rouge and Shadow left the classroom the teacher begun to take the attendence.

I looked to my right and saw that Sonic was struggling with keeping his eyes open.

"Still tired?" I asked

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He begun to sweat and fan himself with his hand.

"Sonic?" I asked hoping for an answer, but instead..

He collapsed..

I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! Thanks for reading! Updating soon! Thanks for the support! (~‾▿‾)~

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