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ask : could you write a a gintoki x reader headcanon, where gintoki proposes to his girlfriend (reader)?

      ask : could you write a a gintoki x reader headcanon, where gintoki proposes to his girlfriend (reader)?

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   ೄྀ  — let's start easy

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ೄྀ — let's start easy.

ೄྀ — gintoki has never been, and never will be, a man that values organization of any kind.

ೄྀ — anything he does rarely has an intended purpose.

ೄྀ — coincidences that produce the desired outcomes as by-products are more his specialty.

ೄྀ — he would probably take advice from various people—all of whose opinions contradict each other greatly.

ೄྀ — kagura would say to give you flowers from the field of 'bloodbath poppies', for that romantic touch.

ೄྀ — shinpachi would suggest planning a nice dinner, but every single character agrees that he is a pair of virgin glasses so he's ignored without question.

ೄྀ — otae would keep trying to give him some of her dark matter to bring to your date/proposal, and sacchan would pop out everywhere he goes to threaten your relationship—which gintoki deals with, using Lake Toya accordingly.

ೄྀ — suffice to say, the only one with any sort of clue about things like this is otose.

ೄྀ — she would give him a list of places, all perfect for this sort of occasion.

ೄྀ — she would also leave him specific instructions on what not to do, and then finally, on how to show you a good time so to raise his chances of success.

ೄྀ — everything would be going well; with him discreetly slipping his hand into yours and saying something about how cold it is, despite the mild spring breeze passing you by.

ೄྀ — he would be nervous as hell and sweating through his clothes, but being close to you always made it a little hard to breathe, so he tries not to let it show.

ೄྀ — despite his nerves, he thinks it's perfect.

   ೄྀ  — every date with you has always been amazing, but now that he's going to propose, he will take the time to look at your beautiful face longer and let the smell of your perfume fill his senses.

ೄྀ — he'll see you as particularly mesmerizing that day.

ೄྀ — but.

ೄྀ — an amanto with nothing but poor timing would spring up right where the two of you were planning to go and eat.

ೄྀ — it makes a ruckus, trashes the place; typical amanto shenanigans.

ೄྀ — and man, is gintoki pissed.

ೄྀ — especially because he left the ring (your ring) in a strawberry parfait, in the kitchen of the place this raggedy ass worm crushed upon arriving.

ೄྀ — he'll leave you standing a good distance away with some sweet words before marching up to the alien with nothing but violence and murder in his eyes.

ೄྀ — when he comes back ten minutes later, he would be dripping in purple goo from head to toe, sword in one hand and a cracked glass filled to the brim with strawberries and whipped cream in the other.

ೄྀ — forgoing everything he'd planned beforehand, he would get on one knee right there, covered in amanto remains and bring forth the improvised parfait, holding it in both hands like an offering.


note: i'm not too satisfied with this one, sorry if it comes off as weird.

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