6.) What your parents think

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Your parents thought she was great. The only thing that you decided not to tell them was that she was a very compulsive gambler and that she loved to go crazy when when it came to gambling but other that that your parents loved her.

Your parents loved Ryota! They thought he was a very sweet and caring person for their child.

Your parents thought she was a little snooty but other than that they really loved her and thought she was a great choice for you.

Your parents were not very sure about Midari. They thought she was a little crazy and didn't exactly support the realationship but they were not going to force you to break up with her.

Your parents accepted Yuriko and you alot. They thought that you two were a very cute and loving couple.

Your parents were okay with yours and Runa's realationship its just that they though she was really short. "Oh umm..she's great hunny!" Your mom awkwardly laughed. " Y-yeah.." Your dad uncomfortably agreed.

Your parents feel a little somewhat embarresed that yoyr dating someone as rich as Kirari because your family doesn't have as much but other than that they love that fact that your dating her.

Your parents don't mind her they just think she's really quiet. "Are you really sure she's the one you love dear? I mean, don't you wanna be with someone who actually talks to you?" Your mom asked curiously.

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