13.) When you hug them from behind

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When you hugged Yumeko from behind she was a little shocked at first but let it happen with a small giggle and smile.

When you gave Ryota a hug from behind he gasped and blushed hard and got a bit flustered. "Ah!! Y-Y/N! What a-are you d-d-doing??!" Ryota stumbled. You put your head up a bit. "Huh? Oh? I can't give my boyfriend a hug? Hehehe!" You joked and giggled.

Knowing Mary pretty well you basically already knew what was going to happen if you gave her a hug from behind. You went in for the hug and she instantly got flustered along with a red blush covering her face. Mary tried to pretend that she didn't like it when she clearly did. Oh Mary~

When you "suprise" hugged Midari she wasn't really suprised. All she did was smirk and chuckle. "Aw, askin for hugs eh?" Midari asked in a teasing voice. You pouted as you layed your head on her shoulder and held her for a few more seconds.

You came up behind Yuriko and game her a soft behind hug. "Oh! Y/N...you suprised me" Yuriko gasped. You rested your hands on her stomach and rocked her side to side while still keeping the hug. "Hehe! That's the point silly!" You giggled.

Since Runa is a bit to short to give a behind hug you kinda just snuck up behind her and picked her up. "Awhh! Runa you're so cute!!! I love you!" You squealed. "I love you too and sure I might be cute but I can kick ass so put me down please" Runa growled. You put her down quickly after.

When you gave Kirari a hug from behind she wasn't shocked at all. After a few seconds though she gave a small chuckle. "Oh my sweet Y/N wants to give hugs from behind, then be it." Kirari softly spoke.

Ririka was instantly shocked when you hugged her from behind. She became flustered and her face slowly started getting red. "Ah! O-oh! Y/N..what are y-you doing?!" Ririka stumbled. You giggled behind her neck while lightly breathing on it. "Awhh do you not like it? I can go then" you said innocently teasing her. Ririka's eyes widen just a bit. Sure she was flustered but she didn't want her bf/gf to leave. "Oh nonono! I-I uh..just d-d-don't go!" Ririka managed to spill out. You continued to hug her for ten more seconds.

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