9.) After a fight

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After the fight between you and Yumeko and her gambling addiction you knew that you couldn't change her and you decided to just let her be. Yumeko forgave you and everything ended in kisses.

After some time alone Ryota understood that he was the one being selfish. Even though you two are dating he realized that you both have your own problems and you sometimes have to solve them on your own. "Y/N..I-I'm sorry for how I acted. I understand that you have to pay off you're debt too." Ryota said softly apologizing. You looked at him and weakly smiled. "It's okay, be even still..I will try to help you" you replied.

Mary told you that she was upset that you were giving more attention to other people insted of her. You felt bad but understood and decided to fix that problem. "I'm so sorry Mary, I should have gave you more attention and affection."

After the fight you and Midari had she felt a little bad but there was no way she was going to be able to change so you were the one who was going to have to apologize. "I'm sorry Midari I just...I worry about you and I want you to be...safe." You admitted. Just then Midari wrapped her arms around you resting her chin on your shoulder chuckling before she spoke "I know I know, but it's just so fun to take risks and I'd go insane if I didn't have that kind of pleaure.." You pulled away slightly and looked her in the eye. "But really...be just a little tiny bit careful"

Sometimes if you both can't accept each others ideas or thoughts you both understand to be mature and come to your senses. You both usually feel bad after these arguments and both end up apologizing to each other. "Yuriko..." You said softly getting her attention and turning towards you. "I-I'm sorry. I know we don't agree on everything but-" You said but Yuriko cut you off. "No no. It was my fault. You have such wonderful ideas it's just that sometimes I don't think them all the way through and I can only think about myself. I'm sorry darling" Yuriko apologized. At the end of the night you both embraced each other warmly.

After a long day of both you and Runa deciding to giving each other the silent treatment after Runa accusing you of stealing her suckers and such you were both pretty upset. After school the same day Runa runs up to you to give you some interesting news. "Y/N! Y/N! Wait up! Please I need to tell you something!" You turn your head back to Runa running up to you and give her a displeased look. "What do you want now Runa?" You asked very annoyed. Runa looked down with glossy eyes but then back up to you. "I'm sorry I accused you like that...when I was getting ready to leave one of the election committee members found out who stole my suckers and it wasn't you. I'm so sorry" You looked down to Runa and gave a soft smile. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gave you a nasty attitude but instead should have helped out to help you find your suckers." After making up with Runa you were both walking home together when your curiosity got the best of you. "Hey Runa...just wondering who was the one to take your suckers anyway?" Runa gave a small smirk before calmly responding. "Midari."

Once Kirari stopped talking you because she didn't like how you talked to her the other day about her authority over the school you felt responsible for the way she was acting. At the end of the day you felt that it was only right to apologize. "Kirari? May I come in?" You asked knocking on the door. "Yes." Kirari answered calmly. "Look Kirari I'm sorry about everything I said the other day! But listen I can't go another day feeling like my own girlfriend hates me because what I think has affected her and she doesn't even wanna look at me but I want to spend time with you again!! I love you and I know I can't change you...so please just come back to me, I need your love." You let all our feelings fall out. After a short one minute of Kirari not responding or looking at you which felt like years you decided to just leave until you heard her voice again. "You're right about one thing Y/N." You quickly turned back around with wide eyes. "Huh?" You questioned. "You can't change me. I'm a very strict president and person you will never be able to change my mind but I will forever open up my heart to you" The night ended with loving kisses and passionate romantic words.

Both you and Ririka were upset with each other but you were still kinda mad that she wasn't up to go somewhere with you because it's been forever since you two had done anything together. As you were packing your things to get ready to leave Ririka came up to you. "Y/N...I want to apologize. I was being so stubborn. I would love to go somewhere with you. I really would! It's just sometimes I get so nervouse and...I-I don't know what to say...please forgive me" Ririka apologized almost begging for forgiveness. You turned around to look at her and grabbed her hands startling her a bit. "Me too! I'm so sorry!! I would love to go somewhere with you too! I just feel like maybe..." Your words trailed off but Ririka understood completely. "I forgive you Y/N"

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