18.) When someone tries to flirt with you

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One time when somebody tried flirting with you Yumeko was standing right next to you giving them a death glare. Once the person had noticed Yumeko's glare they ran off. You were a little confused but Yumeko was happy in the end. "Uh...Yumeko...what was that?" You turned around to see Yumeko smiling happily like nothing had even happened. "Huh? Oh! I have no idea what you could possibly be referring to!" Yumeko smiled.

One day after class you were waiting for Ryota like usual when all of a sudden someone comes up to you and starts saying some really lewd things. Luckily Ryota came out just in time and quickly found out what was going on. "Uh hey." Ryota growled a bit. The person who was flirting with you looked up with confusion spread all over their face. "I'm Y/N's boyfriend. If you would be so kind to leave him/her alone that would be great" Ryota's eyes darkened as he said this. Of course they ran off and you were suprised. You never knew your baby boy Ryota could pull off such a intimidating impression.

It was just a usual day. You and Mary were holding hands while walking to your next class together when out of nowhere somebody stopped in front of you and looked you up and diwn before smirking. "Damn...you look good." Now Mary wasn't gonna take any of this for sure. Mary raised up her fist and got face to face with the person and yelled. "Hey punk! If you haven't already guessed, I'm Y/N's girlfriend and your making Y/N pretty upset so you better scram before I shove my foot up you're ass!" Your eyes were wide. You never expected Mary to go that far actually. The person scoffed and walked away as Mary grabbed your hand continued walking.

One day after school you ran up to Midari and you told her that somebody had just flirted with you and tried touching you. When Midari heard this she almost blew up. You gave their name to Midari and the next day she went to go look for them and she did. It was the end of the day and they were walking home so this was the best chance she had. Midari took out her gun and held it to the back of their head. "Don't move." Midari growled. "Y/N told me about some of the things you did to him/her and I'm not very happy about that. Y/N is my bf/gf and I don't appreciate you hitting on him/her. So next time this happens well hahaha!! I'll just blow your lovely little face into bits...got that?" Midari huffed. The person was in absolute shock but still managed out the word "yes" and ran off. Midari informed you that she had a talk with them and they won't be bothering you anymore.

One fine morning Yuriko and you were walking into school when this guy probably a bit older starts getting closer to you and saying things you didn't wanna hear. Naturally Yuriko took notice and started to speak. "Excuse me. But if you don't leave my Y/N alone I will have no choice but to report you to the president!" Yuriko raised her voice a bit and her face didn't have a very pleasant expression on it. "Oh really? Just try me" the guy said sarcastically. Yuriko clenched her fist and got closer to him and and then raised her foot up and crashed in back into the guy's foot. Yuriko took your hand and ran off.

When Runa had heard about somebody flirting with you she wasn't too happy but there isn't too much she can do but she can totally talk somebody down that's for sure. Just before classes were to start Runa found the person who was flirting with you and approached them, sucker in mouth and hands in pockets. "Hey. Runa Yomozuki, you've probably heard of me. Do you know anything about Y/N L/N?" Runa said sounding like she wanted to get this over with. The person gave a smirk and chuckled a bit. "Heh yeah. One sweet piece of heaven actually." Runa's face dropped in disgust and gave them a deep and ugly glare. "Well if you ever touch him/her again I swear you are going to regret ever coming to this academy." Runa said with a lower voice. "So just play nice ahehehehe!!" Runa walked away as the person was sweating profusely.

After a few days of this one guy following you around and saying some gross things to you and even trying to touch you without your consent you knew that you couldn't handle this on your own anymore. You needed help. So after school you found Kirari and told her what happened. Kirari's usual smirk grew bigger and she knew what she had to do. "Hm. I understand Y/N. I will handle this, don't worry." The next day you walked into class to see everyone gathered around the guy who was flirting with you. You had no idea what was going on but was curious. "Oh my!" "Whoa dude" "How did this happen?" "Yikes!" "This is bad" You heard many different voices coming from the small group around the guy but when you saw what happened you were in shock too. The guy was holding a life plan in his hands. Your eyes widened. "I-I didn't even gamble or anything!" The guy stumbled in shock. Luckily though he never talked to you again because Kirari already did.

It was a usual calm afternoon. Ririka and you had decided to take a small walk after school. Everything was great until a tall older guy/girl approached you. "Hey, whats a cute boy/girl doing with a rat like her? Come on, lets go." They then proceeded to grip tightly on your arm and rip you away from Ririka. "AHH!! Hey!!! Stop it let me go!!" You yelled. Ririka couldn't just watch and see you be taken away from her so she needed to speak up. "Hey!! Let him/her go! Right this instant!" Ririka said very firmly getting the man's/woman's attention. "Hm? Or wha-" they were cut off by Ririka's sharp slap in the face. "Let. Him/Her. Go!" The man/woman was in shock but shook it off. "Ughh, whatever you aint even worth my time. Dumb broads." They scoffed as they walked away. You stared at Ririka for a bit. You never knew she had that in her but oh boy did she. "No one is going to touch my Y/N. Are you okay?" Ririka asked. "I...yeah. I'm great. Thank you RiRi"

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