26.) When they are being stupid and childish

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Requested by bhipr-f 💙

When Yumeko would act out you would start getting a little ticked off but of course you tried to ignore it and if she wouldn't stop then you would start raising your voice but Yumeko would try to place it innocent actibg like she had no idea what you were talking about. "Yumeko! Knock it off!" You barked. Yumeko gazed at you with a smug smile. "Me? Oh Y/N, what ever could you be referring to?"

When Ryota acts childish or stupid you thought it was kinda funny. It was so out of character but him just pouting and acting different was enough to bring a smile to your face.

It wasn't unusual for Mary to act like a child every once it while but you would be lying if you said it wasn't annoying because it did get on your nerves for sure and tick you off and you have to tell her that too but of course that just turns into a completely new fight.

It's not unusual for Midari to act stupid. Most of the time she's begging you to pull the trigger to one of her guns slobbering all over you. It's gets pretty old pretty quick which is why you are practically numb to it at this point.

When Yuriko acts childish or unsophisticated you thought it was kinda inappropriate but still sorta cute seeing your usual relaxed slit-eyed girlfriend cause such a scene.

Ever since the day you and Runa starting dating she has been nothing but childish and silly which you find charming coming from her end though. Runa honestly wouldn't be Runa if she didn't have that childlike accents running through her body.

Kirari rarely acts out but when she does it's by far one of the most interesting sights to witness. Kirari will just blab on about absolutely nothing and act out talking louder and making crazy actions just to get your attention and its so odd to see her so out of character.

If Ririka is ever acting childish or stupid it's only very lightly. Maybe just talking alot or maybe poking you on repeat or just telling some silly joke. You don't mind it of course, it just confuses you at times.

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