16.) You go missing/die

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Yumeko would become more reckless during gambles. She would start betting everything she had and her standards wiuld start getting higher and higher. While Ryota and others would tell her to have some control she didn't hear it because the only thing she wanted to hear was your voice.

He couldn't find himself to care about anything. All of his love and dedication to you had become completely meaningless. He let himself lose every gamble because he sweet Y/N wasn't there by his side to cheer him on. Ryota couldn't bring himself to say goodbye yet. He just couldn't let go.

Mary became more selfish and more grouchy and overall a really rude and mean person. Nobody wanted to talk to her or even come close to her. When you were there with her she was happier and living her best life because she had someone to love her and cheer her on. But you were gone and she became helpless on her own. Hearing your name brought her to tears, she hated being alone, she didn't wanna see anyone she was just in complete isolation without you.

Midari became much more suicidal. Putting in more bullets hoping one of them would just fly right through her skin. When you were there she calmed down her habits a bit but now she had no control and couldn't stop. Since you were gone nobody could tell her stop or say no. It was just her on her own and she didn't care if she had died. Your absence made her unstable and she didn't know what to do anymore.

Yuriko started to take things less seriously and barely spoke to anyone. She was usually spacing out and when alone she would burst into tears and have occasional mental breakdowns wondering if she was a good girlfriend or if she had done enough for you or if you were truly happy when you were together. Nothing was clear to Yuriko anymore. You were there to keep her mind straight, to keep her going and lead her on the right path and make her understand things better. But without you everything was a blur.

She wouldn't pay attention to anything she put herself away and started treating her self badly and doing things she shouldn't have. Runa felt as if a part of her was missing, like she wasn't complete and her player two had lost.

Kirari's authority over the school became insane. She made things more strict than they were before and because of your absence nobody told her when enough was enough or when too far was too far. Not even Sayaka could reason with her. Nobody could talk her out of her crazy ways. The school was a mess and because of this a few people even dropped out because they couldn't take the madness. Kirari couldn't control herself because you weren't there to control her.

Ririka's face became nonexistent. Not only did she not show her face because she was shy it was because the bags under her eyes became purple and red. She had pink and puffy nose from nonstop crying and depression. Even when Ririka was at home she wore long sleeves to hide the cuts and the many bandaids covering her arms. Ririka started gaining anxiety and could barely even speak to anyone not evsn her dear sister Kirari. All she wanted was to hear you say her voice. All she needed was the 3 words she knew she would never hear again. "I Love You"

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