10.) The sweetest things they have said

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Yumeko has always been a smart cookie and she loves you just as much as she loves gambling too so she decided to brighten your day with something like this. "Hey Y/N? Could I have a moment with you please?" Yumeko asked. You turn over to Yumeko and nod. Yumeko gave a big sweet grin while saying "My favorite hand is when yours is holding mine" You looked away while blushing and smiling and took her hand.

Ryota obviously loves you and he wants you to know that so one day he decided to let every bit of his love into this. "Y/N...I- I need to tell you something..." Ryota said stumbling over his words a bit. You looked up at him with a smile and responded with "Of course! What is it?" Ryota took a deep breath and spoke "I'm amazed when I look at you. Not just because of your looks but because of the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me. Love is not a temporary emotion. Emotions and feelings change, sometimes daily. But true unconditional love is everlasting and I want you to know that I may not be your first date, kiss or love...but I want to be your last everything." Ryota looked back up to you to see your eyes glossy and shinny. "Oh...Ryota..." The next thing you know your covering your dear Ryota in kisses and hugs!

Mary has never really been the type to be very "romantic" or "flirty" she usually tries to skip her way around those kinds of things and just let your realationship fly naturally. But tonight you were spending the night over at Mary's and she decided to do the so called "pick-up line" thing for a change. So while you and Mary are watching a romance movie she taps you on the shoulder. You look over to Mary's big light brown eyes filled love. Mary got in front of you and spoke "Did it hurt...when you fell from heaven?" You were blushing and smiling but of course soon enough Mary was not able to finish her sentence so she got frustrated and just finished by saying "..A-and landed on y-your face??" She sat back down with red covering her face and you lightly comforting her.

Midari says sweet things to you and silly pick-up lines to you all the time so this one wasn't anything out of the ordinary. "Hey~ Midari pinned you up against the wall. Your face was flushed red until she spoke. "Did you just shoot me? Because when I looked at you my heart stopped!" She said while smirking. Your expression dropped into unamusment and a simple response. "Oh ha ha very funny Midari"

The day you and Yuriko became lovers was also the day Yuriko bacame the happiest girl in the world and so everyday she thinks of ways to thank you for being hers and sometimes just sweet words are all you need. This particular day was a date with your girlfriend and you were out on a small picnic at sunset. Before you packed all of your things to go home Yuriko said something unforgettable. "Y/N?" Yuriko asked trying to get your attention. You looked over to see your lover smiling weakly and grabbing your hand. "Y-yes?" You responded anxoius to hear what she had to say. A light blush appeared on Yuriko's cheeks as she said. "You know...the happiest I've ever felt, was the moment I dicovered you loved me too" You stared at her for a few seconds before giving her a long and passionate kiss.

One night Runa and you were chilling out together getting ready to play some video games until Runa became flirty all of the sudden. Runa gave a small giggle grabbing your attention as you were putting the game in. "Oh? What's so funny eh?" You asked smirking a bit. She turned over to you and said "Plumbers are red, hedgehogs are blue press start to join and be my player two. You're face became red pretty quickly until you started getting bold. You gave her a long kiss and after responding with "You're wayyyy to cute...you know that right?"

You were staying over at Kirari's place for the night and things were already pretty much leading to one thing to another. Kirari was sitting on your lap facing you, her warm hands cupping your cheeks, her nose pressing lightly against yours. "You know...Kiki..I feel like there are times that you just don't love me. I feel like you take things like the school first and leave me in the dirt" you spoke softly and quietly. Kirari's eyes widened as she backed up a bit. She gave a small frown before returning to her usual smiling smirk and saying words that made you feel alot better. "YOU come first, always~ Kirari swooned.

It was a night Friday night evening around 7:30 PM and you and Ririka were taking a small walk. Your hands were intertwined with eachothers. Ririka was feeling very lovey in that moment so she decided to let you know and tell you. "Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control" she spoke so light as you both walked. You turned your head over to her and smiled. "Awh...RiRi! I love you." You gave her a small peck on cheek as you noticed a smile spread on her face and a blush grow on her cheeks. "I love you too Y/N"

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