8.) When you fight

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You and Yumeko started fighting because you told her that her gambling addiction was becoming too much for you to handle and it was scaring you. "Yumeko, this is getting out of hand...I think you need to tone it down a bit." Yumeko felt really attacked and got upset.

Ryota and you started a fight because he thought it was a little selfish of you to not share your winnings/money with him after a gamble if you won or not. "Why would you say something like that Ryota? I have to pay off my debt too ya know!"

Sometimes you and Mary fight over small things or maybe things that only she gets upset or mad about. Sometimes she'll get mad because you don't give her enough attention or if she sees you with other girls or guys and she wants your constant attention. "Mary she's only a friend! You have to understand!" You shouted at Mary.

After you had heard what happened with the gamble between your girlfriend and Yumeko Jabami and saw Midari walk out of the school where you were waiting for her you saw she had a bloody nose. "W-what happened?" You asked cautiously. Midari gave a small glance at you and then back "Just a small accident..nothing to worry over..." She said in her normal tone. The next day at school you heard what happened and was NOT happy. You never really cared for Midari's reckless behaviour but this crossed the line. Midari was still your girlfriend and you wanted her safe. "Midari...I think you need to tone it down, this is getting out of hand." Let's just say Midari wasn't very happy with that

The fights that you and Yuriko have are small too (similar to Mary's) but these small things include disagreements, alot of disagreements. Sometimes you will have an idea that Yuriko doesn't apporove of and then it will be the other way around. At some points you both get really frustrated and stop talking. "Fine! Have it your way! I don't care." You shouted.

One fight that you and Runa had was when she noticed that some of her things like her suckers and a few other items if hers had gone missing. Of course you were the first person she'd blame was you. You couldn't believe she would do something like that. "What? What do you mean I stole them? Why would you blame me like that?" You asked pouting. "Well I don't know anyone else who coukd have done it Y/N!" Runa responded. And that's when all hell went loose.

The fight that you and Kirari had was when you were telling her that you thought her authority and control over the school was a little possessive and that maybe she could be a little kinder to the students. "Kirari...m-maybe you should calm down your authority a little it's honestly started to make me worry." You stumbled a bit. Kirari gave a small look and then back to her usual smirk.  "Oh but Y/N...don't you get it? That's the point! My school rules over my power and that's just the way I want it.." Kirari's voice got deeper near the end of her speech and her eyes were glowing just a bit. You couldn't be bothered by her antics right now so you slowly turned around and stomped out of the room.

Sometimes a fight between you and Ririka starts out is by pressure. For example, if you want to go to a party with Ririka should wouldn't want to or if maybe she was asking you to do something you were not into or honestly just couldn't help. "C'mon RiRi!

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