Part 3

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If your daughter works under us. She can earn so well said Surresh friend.
U are right let me talk to her said surresh with evily smile.
Okay then I am going u tell me when u make her agree said him and went out.
He found Drishti cleaning house.
He gazing her with lust full eyes.
Drishti notice it and went inside.
He went out from the house.
Drishti call Suresh.
Drishti went to him.
Yes papa said Drishti.
I have decided a work for u. your mother died and leave u guys on my head. U both are burden from me know your time to feed me said Suresh.
Drishti got tears but control herself.
Tell papa I will do work said Drishti.
U have to dance in bar said Suresh shocking Drishti.
What no papa I will do other work but I will never dance in bar said Drishti.
U are rejecting me shout Suresh.
I am coming to buy vegetables said Drishti and went away.
Divya sitting on bench having juice.
Shikhar come and found her best friend lost somewhere.
He sat near her and hold her shoulder.
Divya look at him and smile.
What my buddy thinking asked Shikhar.
I am thinking about Di I hope he get her prince who save her papa and give so much love to her which she miss all these years said Divya.
She will get his prince charming said Shikhar.
After mama dead Di gives me lots love never make me feel about mama but she never get any love said Divya.
U will see your Di get prince charming said Shikhar.
Drishti walking on road thinking about his words.
U have to become bar dance thought Drishti.
A car was moving towards Drishti and she got pull by someone.
She was on his arms but because of her duppata his face hide.
Nor he can her see nor she can see him.
Both hear beating fast.
Drishti stand properly and pull her duppta.
But he turn his face and start going away.
Thank u said Drishti.
he stop but didn’t say anything.
Drishti saw tattoo on his hand.
Strange guy thinks Drishti.
She remember Divya about to come and went home.

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