Part 34

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Drikshit & Dishi reach home.
Drishti was on her own world.
Drishti hug Divya jumping on her.
Divi tum bohat cute ho said Drishti pulling her cheeks.
Di di I know I am cute but let’s go u sleep said Divya try to take her room.
No shout Drishti taking her hand off.
Divya look at Rakshit, Shikhar.
Shikhar call Drishti.
Yes bhabhi replied Shikhar.
Your wife is sleepy take her in room said Drishti.
Rakshit got laugh.
Divya keep her hand on head.
Ok bhabhi I will said Shikhar.
Di I will go to sleep but u to sleep right it’s too late said Divya.
Drishti hold her hand and give to Shikhar.
Take her she is sleepy said Drishti.
She went near Rakshit and hold him.
See MR Shergill Divi forcefully making me sleep but I don’t want to sleep I want to fun said Drishti like a kid.
Ok we will fun said Rakshit.
Divya Shikhar u go guys sleep I will handle her said Rakshit.
All the best said Dishi and went in room.
Rakshit has no choice he hold Drishti in arms and take her in room.
Leave me leave me shouting Drishti flying legs on Rakshit arms.
They reach room.
Rakshit drop her down.
U can do fun here said Rakshit.
Drishti hug him leaning on him.
U are very Sweet Shergill said Drishti.
Rakshit smile on her.
Ok know lets sleep its very late said Rakshit.
No first give me your shirt I will wear this demand Drishti.
But Drishti how u wear I mean how I can said Rakshit.
No no give me asking Drishti like a kid.
Rakshit remove and give her.
She start changing their.
Rakshit turn his face.
How I am looking asked Drishti..
Beautiful come know sleep said Rakshit.
Try to make her lay on bed but Drishti pull him.
He fall on bed and she spread his arms and lay on his chest.
U know I feel scared sleeping on bed as I used to hug Divi but u don’t hug me complain Drishti pouting her lips.
From now on I will promise Rakshit.
Drishti sleep slowly on his chest peacefully.
Rakshit to sleep hugging her.

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