Part 19

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Drishti walking on floor and remember how she slap her.
Song was playing.
Kaise yeh rishte naate.
Divya open her eyes and found Shikhar with her.
Are u feeling better asked Shikhar.
Divya cry hugging him badly.
What happens Divi asked Shikhar with concern.
Di cheat me she lie to me she is so bad cried Divya badly.
Your di it’s not bad said Shikhar.
How can u say that asked Divya.
Because she did for u told Shikhar.
What are u saying why she did for me asked Divya with puzzle.
So listen said Shikhar and told her everything.
Divya got shocked and she kneel down in shocked.
I did wrong I didn’t trust di I behave badly with her cries Divya.
It didn’t late go and asked sorry to her said Shikhar.
Dishi rush for Drishti.
Shikhar stop car Divya runs out.
She founds Drishti walking on road and crying.
Car coming fast towards Drishti.
Di shout Divya but Drishti lost in her thoughts.
Divya run to her and push her.
Di shout Divya and car hit her.
Divi shout Drishti.
Divya shout Shikhar who witness accident.
Both rush towards Divya.
Drishti took her on lap and hold her.
Di I ..i am sorry said Divya and close her eyes.
Divi open your eyes cries Drishti.
Divya call Shikhar in panic.
Shikhar do something cries Drishti.
Let’s take her hospital said Shikhar.
Shikhar bring his car and they take Divya hospital.
Doctor takes Divya to Operation Theater.
Drishti crying badly.
Please save my divi god pray Drishti.
Shikhar got so worried and he got tears.
Both were praying for Divya.

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