Part 9

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In morning:
Divya found Drishti fever reduced little.
Drishti open her eyes and try to sit.
Di u sleep said Divya making her lay again.
I am fine divi said Drishti and sat on bed.
U need something asked Divya with concern.
No I am ok u didn't sleep whole night asked Drishti.
How do u know asked Divya.
Because I know my little baby never wake so early said Drishti.
How I can get sleep if u are ill from childhood whenever I got ill u only take care of me know it was my turn told Divya.
Acha meri maa said Drishti.
I will bring hot onion tea for u then u will be perfect said Divya and rush to kitchen.
She bring tea for Drishti and make her drink.
Divi u know u take rest ok said Drishti.
Divi nodded and lay on bed.
She was trying to sleep suddenly she got call.
Yes Shikhar said Divya pick up the call.
Wake up so soon asked Shikhar.
Didn't sleep yaar di was ill so told Divya.
So not coming college today asked Shikhar.
No buddy feeling sleepy said Divya in childish way.
Ok u take rest said Shikhar and hung up the call.
In evening:
Drishti got ready for going she feeling weak but she has to go.
Drishti found Divya slept she kiss on her forehead and cover blanket properly to her.
She left for dance bar.
She reach their and about to go inside she dash with Rakshit.
Both look each other with anger.
Drishti moving inside but her legs were shivering due to fear.
Rakshit notice that and went near her.
She about to fall Rakshit hold her from falling.
Both were lost on each other.
Suresh friend come and drag Drishti inside.
Drishti was looking at him.
Rakshit feel angry seeing her with some other boys.
He hates Drishti but her eyes telling Rakshit a different story.

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