Part 11

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Drishti enter in home Divya standing on door with mischief smile.
Drishti look at her like what.
Who was in car asked Divya with naughty smile.
My boss lie Drishti start going inside avoiding her questions.
His name asked Divya irritating Drishti.
Rakshit Shergill speak Drishti.
Is he handsome ask Divya getting Drishti angry.
Enough Divi said Drishti making sister stop.
Ok ok said Divya pouting her lips.
Drishti back hug her as she peace hugging her sister.
Di I am hungry said Divya like a kid.
U didn’t had food asked Drishti with concern.
No I was hungry but nothing is there to eat said Divya innocently.
Drishti rush on kitchen found everything empty.
She understand her father works.
He sell everything like he always don from childhood.
Drishti come out and look at Divya.
Divi u wait here I will bring something told Drishti.
But outside is raining said Divya.
Its ok I will take umbrella said Drishti and went out.
She buy food and about to return.
Some boys were sitting and looking at her.
She avoid them and start moving.
They block her way.
Leave my way shout Drishti.
One boy hold her umbrella and throw it away.
Drishti start wetting.
Hayee what a mast item she is said one boy scanning her.
I say leave my way shout Drishti pushing one boy.
She start running they pull her duppata and throw it.
But someone hold her duppata.
Leave her shout someone.
Drishti look at him and got surprised.
It was Rakshit.
He went near them boys and beat them badly.
They run away.
Rakshit take umbrella and went near her.
He put duppata on her shoulder and give her umbrella.
Drishti hug him making Rakshit shocked.
She cries badly hugging him.
Its ok Drishti see they are gone said Rakshit.
He move hand to hug her but stop.
Drishti slowly calm down and look at him.
Thank u for saving me said Drishti.
It was my duty said Rakshit.
He accompany Drishti towards her home.
Thank u bye said Drishti.
Drishti found rain and look at him.
I know u hate me but if u came inside until rain stop said Drishti.
No I am fine said Rakshit and went from there.

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