Part 4

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Drishti enter in home found Divya bag but she didn’t see anywhere.
Divi call Drishti but she didn’t replied.
Drishti got worried and look for her.
Di shout Divya from back side of store room.
She rush to her and try to open door but it’s not opening.
Divi what are u doing inside asked Drishti trying to open door.
Di dad said me work and I come here and door got close know its opening di I am scared here so much darkness cried Divya.
Drishti know Divya scared from darkness.
Divi I will bring key and open door don’t worry ok said Drishti and rush to Suresh.
Papa Divi lock inside store room give me keys said Drishti.
I only lock her said Suresh.
Why papa she get scared in darkness please give me keys cries Drishti.
No she will be stay there only without food and water said Suresh shocking Drishti.
No papa don’t do this I beg u said Drishti and hold his leg.
He pull her from hairs and look at her.
Its punishment of u as u reject me said Suresh and push her.
Papa please leave Divi I will do whatever u say u want me dance na I will dance but leave her please said Drishti begging to him.
Ok if u ever reject me I will harm Divya only said Suresh and give her keys.
Drishti rush to store room and open door.
Divya hug her tightly and cry badly.
Its ok Divi relax said Drishti caress her back.
She sweep her sweat and take her in room.
She give her water and hug her.
Its ok divi see I am here na said Drishti cupping her face.
I know u are with me said Divya and hug her tight.
Drishti kiss on forehead and smile on her.
I am hungry Di said Divya making Drishti smile.
U wait I will bring in 5 minutes said Drishti.
Drishti enter in Suresh room.
I agree with your conditions but plz I request don’t tell anything to Divya said Drishti.
Don’t worry my lovely daughter I won’t said Suresh.
Divya sleep having food.
Drishti cries on terrace badly.

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