Part 23

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Sun rays hit on Drikshit face.
Both sleep got disturb and both open their eyes.
Rakshit and Drishti found in each other arms without clothes.
Drikshit got shocked to hell.
Drishti push him and cover shawl on her.
Rakshit turn his face.
Drishti quickly wear her clothes as well Rakshit.
Rakshit can’t able to remember anything.
Drishti were shivering and getting tears.
She can’t able to remember anything.
Few minutes of silence.
See Drishti what had happened I don’t remember said Rakshit.
Drishti start crying badly.
Why are u crying asked Rakshit.
We did sins cry Drishti.
What sins haa u remember u sold yourself to me so said Rakshit.
He don’t want to say as he was feeling guilty.
But his ego not letting him to accept.
So mean u can do whatever you want asked Drishti.
Yes I will what u can do u need money u got it said Rakshit.
So u don’t have respect for girls right, u don’t even understand what girls feels when lost her dignity shout Drishti.
Rakshit pin he on wall harshly.
Listen Drishti Sharma what had happens it’s happens I didn’t force u for anything u herself sold yourself to me so let we decided late know go from here said Rakshit.
Drishti push him and went from there.
Rakshit got angry on himself.
What he did was wrong and he knows it.
He start breaking things.
Aaaah scream Rakshit and kneel down.
Drishti was walking on road.
She was getting tears.
Rain started.
She fall down and cried.
Rakshit wetting himself.
Bg song was playing.
Dil darbadar.
Rakshit having shower and draining his memories from last remember.
Drishti fall down inside shower wetting herself.
To get rid of Rakshit touches.
What had happens it wrong but that’s girl is also mean.
She needs money that’s why sold me without caring about her dignity then why I should feeling bad for her said Rakshit.
He takes his lust out but why I am feeling sad but not angry thinks Drishti.
Both were fighting with their minds.

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