Part 32

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Things going well between Drikshtit and Shikhar.
Rakshit start going office because of Drishti.
Rakshit come from office was feeling happy.
Drishti Shikhar Divya come here call Rakshit.
All come here and look at him.
What happens Jiju asked Divya.
I got invited in party lets u all get ready inform Rakshit.
Wow bhaiya party hot girls be there said Shikhar for teasing Divya.
What did u say asked Divya in anger?
I was kidding Divya baby said Shikhar like innocent kid who did mischief.
Leave guys go get ready said Rakshit.
Dishi went in room for getting ready.
Shall we get ready too asked Rakshit to Drishti.
She nodded and both went in room.
Drishti searching for clothes.
Drishti call Rakshit.
I bring saree for u will u wear this asked Rakshit.
Wow so beautiful yes sure I will wear thank u MR Shergill said Drishit and went for change.
While Rakshit got ready and he was combing his hair.
Divya wearing jewelries Shikhar was admiring her.
So hot my god said Shikhar.
No no tell hot to those stupid girls said Divya.
Awww my baby jealous said Shikhar pulling her cheeks.
Yes u are mine asked Divya like a baby.
Yes I am yours and u are mine confess Shikhar kissing on her forehead.
Drishti come out look at Rakshit.
He lost on her beauty she looking da,n beautiful.
Beautiful a word come from Rakshit mouth.
Drishti felt shy.
Thank u said Drishti with blush.
Rakshit come from his world.
He smile sheepishly and got happy.
Shall we go asked Rakshit.
Yes replied Drishti.
Dishi were already waiting for them.
They found Drikshit looking perfect together.
They prayed be happy together.
They reach on party hall.
Dishi hold each other and went inside.
Drishti found so many people around she feel uncomfortable.
Rakshit hold her hand.
Relax Mrs Shergill I am here na said Rakshit and he takes her inside.
Drishti feel happy to see how he understands her feelings.
Indeed she start trusting him.
Drishti got drunk.
Rakshit and Dishi hard time to handle her.

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