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Drikshit reach home and Drishti rush inside her room.
Rakshit run behind her.
Drishti calls Rakshit.
She hug him and start crying.
I don’t want my daughter face this its feel terrible cries Drishti.
Drishti relax nothing like this will happen to Angel console Rakshit.
MR Shergill I never tell but I feel terrible dancing on stage. I know Angel were dancing in school competition but I cant able to see I am sorry cries Drishti.
Its ok I am here na said Rakshit hug her tight to let her calm.
Mama a voice come.
They found Angel on door.
She come inside and found Drishti tears.
What happens mama ask Angel.
Nothing beta just mama not feeling well lie Rakshit.
Oh that’s why u both come from competition said Angel.
Yes beta actually she feeling headache so we come sorry beta we can’t able to see your dance lie Rakshit.
Actually I didn’t take part in dance. I take part on Girls power Speech but last moment some problem happen our class girl who going to dance didn’t come so teacher request me to dance that’s why I did it otherwise I hate dance I don’t know why just I hate it said Angel.
Really asked Drishti and hug her tight.
Rakshit to hug them.
I know everything mama why u hate dance I read everything on your secret diary and I promise I will never do this again to hurt u thinks Angel in my mind hug her parents more.
Divya worried for Drishti.
Piyush come and hug her.
Mama why are u worried asked Piyush.
Nothing baby mama is fine lie Divya.
Lie I know u are worried said Piyush and try to make her mama laugh.
Shikhar admire them.
Divya hug Piyush and Shikhar join them.
In dinner time:
Angel and Piyush sitting with each other.
Drikshit and Dishi saton table.
Wow maasi yummy food said Piyush having his food.
My di always made yummy food said Divya.
Yes because of bhabhi we get food otherwise said Shikhar teasing her.
U I will kill u shout Divya.
Stop mama papa u both looking like a tom jerry said Piyush.
All start laughing.
Mama papa massi and chachu are so funny said Angel.
Yes replied Rakshit.
And your mama papa are very useless tease Divya.
Why maasi asked Angel.
See how much u grow up they can give one more sibling till know taunt Divya making Driskhit mouth open.
Mama papa I want sister request Angel.
Drikshit glare Divya in anger.
I to want brother said Piyush shocking Dishi.
Drikshit start laughing on Dishi.
After Angel and Piyush sleep.
Are u ready for giving Piyush brother said Shikhar and take her in arms and went in room for romance.
Rakshit hold Drishti in arms.
I think we should give Angel a sister said Rakshit.
They live happily after.

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