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He walks down the hall attached to the main room and you follow him. He stops at the end of the hall and stares at the door for a bit, lost in a trance.

"S-Springtrap?" You gently shake his arm, bringing him back to reality.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." He grabs the handle and twists, the door letting out a creak. Your eyes marvel at the bedroom, its pale purple walls and white trim a sight for sore eyes. He smiles at the room as you step inside. Everything was clean and the bed was made. It looked untouched, unused.

"Feel free to use any clothes. They're useless to me, but I think they might fit you," he leans against the wall. "Just try not to destroy the place." You look at him and scoff.

"Why on Earth would I do that?" He shrugs.

"You just seem like the messy type," he smirks and winks at you, making your face warm up yet again. You glare at him and he laughs. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back soon," and with that he leaves, shutting the door behind him. You look around the room. It must've belonged to that woman in the picture.

You plop onto the bed taking in your situation. You were hunted by a living animatronic rabbit from Fredbear's, swore your life to him, burnt down your place of work, then were practically kidnapped and brought to the robot's creator's house? Then he left you in the woman's- your bedroom to do god knows what. You were so confused, it all happened so fast. You weren't sure what to do, but one thing was for sure; you needed a shower badly.

You peek out of the room. "Hello? Anyone home?" you holler, your voice echoing through the house. Nobody answers. You walk over to the closet and push open its sliding doors, revealing lots of dresses, blouses, and sweaters. You sift through them, looking for something more comfortable to sleep in. You stop on a nightgown, pale purple and slightly above knee length. You slide it off the hanger and toss it over your arm. You set your backpack down next to the small nightstand and search for the bathroom.

You find the bathroom and get undressed. It's not very big, just enough to get around and get the job done. You toss the gown onto the closed toilet lid, and after digging through the cabinets, you find a towel, setting it on the gown. You fiddle with the shower knobs, learning how they work as you go. You were surprised this place still had utilities. The water gets nice and hot, and you step in. Luckily there's soap, or you might cry.

After a long while in the shower, you get out and dry off. You shake your head side to side, flopping your (h/l) hair around like a dog and getting water on just about everything. "Oops." You slip into the gown to find it's bigger than expected, looking quite baggy on you. You go back to your room and soon as you open the door, scream as loud as possible. You don't know why, you just needed to let it out.

"No one's going to hear you, you know. There's no use making a fuss," a tired voice says from behind you, causing you to jump. You turn and look up at him.

"I know. I just needed to let out some tension," you say, then your face heats up yet again. You suddenly feel uncomfortable under his stare. You felt naked, and you wanted to just shrivel up and disappear. You look off to the side and rub your arm, making him chuckle.

"No need to be shy. I don't care," he looks off to the side and shrugs, a goofy grin slapped onto his face. "There's not even much to look at anyway." You growl at his statement. You knew you weren't much of a model, but you found yourself fairly attractive. Everyone always said you were pretty, too. He looks down at you smiling.

"I'm just joking, hun. I really don't care though." He yawns, covering his mouth. "Well, I'm all tuckered out. I'm going to bed." As he walks out he stops and turns back, a serious look on his face. "Don't even think about running. I'd catch you before you made it to the door." He walks into the room across from yours. "If you run, I'll punish you. Goodnight."

"G-goodnight..." you wave to him as he closes his door. You didn't plan on running tonight, but his threat still looms in your mind. You shut your door and jump into the bed, turning off the lamp that had been on. You cozy into the thick purple comforter, its fluff swallowing you. You close your eyes, trying to sleep, but to no avail. You aren't that tired. You wanted to stay up and watch a movie or something, but without your phone, that's impossible.

You did see a TV in the living room, but you didn't want to wake up the grouchy old rabbit. Speaking of Springtrap, I don't think that's his real name. I mean, what kind of business man names a friendly bunny meant to entertain kids "Springtrap"?? It just seems off. You're mental rambling is stopped by chattering in another room. It sounds like a young boy?

You try to listen harder, being completely quiet. The talking was coming from Springtrap's room.

"You're awful, you know?" You hear Springtrap groan.

"I'm tired, shut up."

"Ow, hey! Jerk!"

It sounds like a whiny little kid. You become extremely confused. A-am I hearing things? I don't think I'm asleep. Did he kidnap a kid or something?! Feeling overwhelmed with curiosity and concern, you get up and quietly make your way to his door. You hear a new voice.

"You can't lie forever. Besides, honesty is the best policy!~" That sounds like a little girl, but she doesn't sound distressed?

"Oh shut your trap Susie. The old man won't listen."

"I am not old!"

"Oh yeah? How old are ya then?"

"... Thirty."

This is really weird.. You knock on the door. "H-hey Springtrap? Are you ok in there?" There's shuffling on the other side of the door and a groan. This groan wasn't frustration though, more like pain. He opens the door, glaring down at you.

"What do you want?"


I'm making progress on chapter 9, and I believe it should be done by next week! Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Word Count: 1077

You Can't Leave Me: Springtrap × Reader ((NOT discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now