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"That's one tough toy," you say, still making eye contact with said toy. Gabriel shakes his head.

"That's no toy." He points at the bat on the ground. "I'm using too much energy. Use the bat." The way he says it sounds like a demand, so you listen. You arm yourself and get ready for a fight. The toy stumbles forward a little, a broken ear hanging off the side of its dented head. Then it begins running at you, faster than you thought it could. This time it jumps, you step back and swing at it as hard as you can, hitting it in the side. It flies towards the wall once again, but it keeps moving.

"Why isn't it working?!" you complain, readying the bat once more.

"I think we have to destroy the part giving it it's power. Did you see any doors or patches on it earlier?" Gabriel questions.

"I don't think so," you turn to look at him, "Is there any other way?" He looks at you for a moment before perking up.

"Look out!" You turn back to the toy, only to feel dozens of pointed teeth tear into your calf. You cry in pain as it tries to bite and pull, making the pain even more excruciating. Gabriel can do nothing but watch you suffer. You stumble back, landing on your bottom, and try to pry the toy's jaws away from your leg. It's no use, but you can't afford to stop trying. Especially not now that you're losing quite a bit of blood. At this point, it's almost pouring out of your leg.

You see Gabriel turn and quickly run out the front door, but you can't focus of him right now. You turn back to the problem, which is still attached to your blood soaked calf. You grab hold of its jaws to try once more to get it off. It's mouth begins to open slowly, and finally it's completely off. You push the toy back by the face.

"You twisted little shit," you spit, but it doesn't care. It tries to run at you again, but you kick it with your good leg, sending it five feet back. You get up, avoiding putting pressure on your leg. You need to destroy its battery. Just as you arm yourself, the front door swings open, and a very scared and worn out Springtrap is standing in the door way. He looks over at the toy trying to pick itself up, and reaches a hand towards you.

"Bat," he commands, and you give it to him. He walks over to the toy, and with one swing downwards, the toy stops moving. Then, a glowing yellow orb floats up out of the toy. Springtrap backs away from it, and it begins to shift and change. Soon enough, you see a little yellow girl with a big glowing bow.

"Susie!" you exclaim, and she looks at you.

"Y/n!" she cheers as she runs to you, jumping up into your arms for a hug. You give her a small squeeze before putting her down. She begins stretching as she talks. "Oh boy, that was really tiring," she stops stretching and looks around, "where's Jeremy?" Gabriel clears his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"He and Fritz got into an argument, and they both took off.." Susie sighs.

"I think I know where he is. I'll be back," she says before jogging off in the direction Jeremy went before. You all stand there for a minute when you hear a raspy gasp. Springtrap picks you up and puts you on the couch, taking you by surprise.

"Gabriel, you never mentioned a wound!" he yells. Gabriel jogs off to the kitchen and fetches a first aid kit, giving it to the bunny. He pops it open and grabs your ankle, gently pulling your leg towards him. You groan a little as he mumbles an apology, but he continues treating the wound.

"I'll uh, go find Fritz." Gabriel scurries off, leaving you and Springtrap alone.

"I'm sorry," he says, making you jump a little at the sudden voice. "I shouldn't have left you alone. I'll try to be more careful." You furrow your brow slightly, befuddled about why he's apologizing.

"What even was that?" you ask, and he sighs.

"It was another of my maker's creations. A device built to store remnant," he explains, but you're still confused.

"What's remnant?"

"It's a remnant of what once was." He finishes up wrapping up the leg, then sits back to further explain. "Susie is a ghost. Ghosts are made of remnant. Are you understanding?" You nod, and he smiles softly. "Good. Now, let's get you to bed."

He picks you up gently and carries you to your room. He tucks you in and walks to the door. "Goodnight my dear, I'll see you later."


Sorry for the later publish. I didn't forget or anything, I promise. Also, spoiler alert, Y/n and Gabriel are going to have a pretty serious talk next chapter ;)

My mom is recovering from COVID, but I think I got it from her, so there's that. Also, I can't smell or taste anything. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and stay safe <3

Word Count: 812

You Can't Leave Me: Springtrap × Reader ((NOT discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now