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"Diamond you gotta talk to us" my dad took my hand before u snatched it away

"I don't want to talk about it alright" I looked away

"Kylo was taken away for a reason, you were the only one who saw what happened" my mom explained

"Does it even matter, he's gone mom" I glared at her

"Tell us what you damn know, prolly had something to do with it" my brother Tyler kissed his teeth

"I didn't have nothing to do with it ! Why would I, he's my brother" I scoffed crossing my arms

"don't damn talk to me until you tell me what damn happened to ky" Tyler banged the table storming off

"Why can't you tell us baby?" My mama asked sighing

"He told me not to."

*end of flashback*

Since that day nothing was the same between anyone, even mom and dad broke down. They divorced 6 months ago. I walked in the front door before locking it behind me to see mom in one of her 'dazes'. Sitting on the window ledge drinking another damn glass of wine. Probably like her 5th. My mama was a pretty lady, she was half spanish and half english, she had blue eyes and long brown hair with pale skin.

"Hey mom" I kissed her head and she smiled slightly

I went into my bedroom before throwing my bag down sighing and turning my phone on showing me, noah and talia as my Lockscreen causing me to smile. Noah and talia were my two bestfriends, they meant everything to me and more. They'd gone through it all with me but and I didn't know how I'd repay them foreal. They made it slightly easier to go to school, and so did Mr August since he was the only one who didn't stare at me funny.

"Hey boo you saw mr fine ass" talia climbed through the window

"He's a teacher !" I laughed sitting down on my bed

"But he's nice, he can lick-" she bit her lip

"Talia !" I exclaimed

"What just being truthful boo" she kissed her teeth

"Man, I better not find him in your bed" I laughed

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully

We chatted for a while laughing and reflecting back on today. All this damn girl could talk about was Mr.august. Soon my baby sister ruby walked in with her blanket to her face, she was 4 now. She was also the reason I was late to school, I had to drop her off while dad picked her up but of course didn't interact anyway with mom.

"Hey bubba" I smiled pulling her onto my lap

"Diamond, I don't like school" she nuzzled her head into my shirt

"What's wrong" talia poked her pouting

"The other girls make fun of me cause my hair's big and fuzzy" she pouted as her bottom lip quivered

"Be like as least mine is real boo" talia kissed her teeth

"If they do it again, you tell me okay ?" I laughed hugging her

She nodded before I told her to get changed, she walked of her little feet tapping the floor before she shut the door lightly leaving me with talia. Before my older brother Tyler came in and i herd him and my mother arguing.



I sat in the waiting area of the prison
Waiting to pay my monthly visit to my dad who's been in here for the past 3 years for raping a teenage girl Yeah I know it's big but somehow I forgave him, it also inspired Romario to become a officer even though he hadn't seen dad in a while. It effected him more then it effected me, but It was hard someway on both of our lives.

"Through here please" a security officer opened the barred door leading me into a hall. I sat at one of the ply wood round tables clasping my clammy hands together slightly nervous. My eyes drifted away slightly before I spotted the orange jumpsuit. I looked up at my going grey father who had his arms handcuffed behind his back. He sat down with a slight smirk of curiosity plastered onto his face.

"Hey pap" i loosened up slightly

"How you been son ? How's the baby?" His voice deep and husky

"Yeah I'm fine, maria had her scan today" I smiled at the thought of it

"Good to hear" he nodded

"But she's going away for 5 months on a job thingg" I didn't make a big deal out of it

"And you've discussed this ?" His eyebrows furrowed

"Yeah yeah kinda" I shrugged

There was a silence for a while and the only thing I could here was the wall ticking second by second. It began to get on my nerves.

"I-I found her dad" I stuttered

"What ?" He was defiantly surprised

"I found diamond" I sighed putting my head in my hands

"Are you close enough to get information" his eyes peered from left to right suspiciously

"No I only just met her" I sat back feeling bad

"You gotta get close to her Chres, I mean she knows how close the police are" he looked at me sternly

"She's my damn student though" I sighed

"There'll be other jobs okay, the reason you got this job was to get to her remember" he was dead serious

"Yes I know but everything's been so quick" I moaned

"The quicker the better" he explained

"How long I got to do this ?" I asked getting frustrated

"7 months chresanto, that's it" he raised an eyebrow

The buzzer went off meaning the visit was off, before he left he slipped a folded piece of paper in my hand which was small enough not to be noticed. I walked out a lot on my mind before getting into the car and just sitting there for a moment, what kind of person am I ? I know it was helping my dad but was it the right thing to do ? My reputation would be up. I opened the piece of creased paper which had been folded multiple times before reading it. It basically had all of diamond's details and on the other half what I was meant to do to make it totally clear. This was gonna be harder then I thought.


What's going on with chresanto ? Please leave your suggestions and comments on the side your most appreciated ;)


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