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That night was like no other. First I realised how I felt about chresanto then I realised what I had to do. So I went out walking, I was heading to prince's house to talk to Chres since noah had text me notifying me that he was there. That's when it happened, when I thought things couldn't get any worse. I went through an ally which cut across the street and somebody approached me, he asked me how much it would cost and of course i retaliated. Soon as I walked off pissed he forced himself upon me. I was weak and useless and no matter how hard I screamed I couldn't be heard. He raped me there in the darkness and i couldn't change that, I'd have to live with that to the rest of my life, soon after he left, leaving me on the ground, my shirt torn and my body weak. After multiple minutes I finally fell into the right headspace. My hands began shaking as I reached out to my phone which had flown out of my hand. I struggled to find the first number but it was Noah's. I dialled it and begged to myself that she'd answer, she did, at first she thought It was about Chres but as soon as I made out my words she asked me where I was and said she'd be there soon. I huddled myself up in the corner pulling my torn leggings and panties before I heard a car pull up, the lights shone in towards the ally before footsteps ran towards me. The first face I saw was chres's, he stroked my cheek.

"Are you alright ma" he wiped my tears away

"Does she look damn okay" I heard noah kiss her teeth

Soon Princeton picked me up wedding style as I continued to sob, he put me in the back of the car besides Chres. Princeton threw him a blue blanket from fuck knows where before they wrapped it around me, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's gonna be alright"

"I'm right here baby"

"Stop crying, Your safe now"

He kept whispering things to calm me down, we soon got to a nearby police station where they brought me in. As I walked my damn legs felt like jelly. They soon escorted me to a patient room where I was given a night dress to put on. Noah helped me undress and put it on as I was still shaky, soon I lay there with the cover up to my chest. I kept my bracelets on though. I began breathing heavy before chresanto came in. He sat beside and took my hand. The nurse had told me to get some sleep, and that everything would be alright in the morning. but it wasn't that easy, plus it was 2am and they were unable to get hold of my mama. A couple minutes past before he got up and began walking out.

"Don't leave" I sat up slightly

"I'm coming back alright ?" He smiled slightly

I relaxed again and tried to get out of shock by counting to 10 over and over. Every minute dragged as I waited for Chres to come back, but he did.

"What happened ?" He asked sitting back down

"I-I was coming to speak to you" I admitted

"At 12am ?" He raised an eyebrow

"It was important" I looked away slightly embarrassed

"As long as your alright " he kissed my head softly

"I-i don't think I've ever been so scared" I put my head back closing my eyes

He just about fit on the bed beside me before I moved over. He put the cover over him wrapping one arm around me.

"What did you do ?" He asked looking into my eyes

"He came up to me and he asked how much ? So I told him to leave me alone, and he didn't Chres he didn't" a tear trickled down my cheek

"Do you know what he looks like ? Have you seen him before ?" He asked his voice quiet

"He was dark and tall, he had a hoodie on I don't know ?" I turned away from him embarrassed again

I felt him hold me tighter and I sighed.

"This doesn't change anything" I spoke softly

"I-" he began before the light flickered on

"Get the fuck off her" I heard Tyler's voice

Chres jumped up immediately and rubbed his forehead which he always does when he feels stressed or out of place.

"Baby are you alright" my mom ran over to me worried

"Imma kill the damn motherfucker who hurt you" Tyler began

"Who's with ruby ?" I asked

"The neighbours agreed to keep her baby" my mom stroked my hair

"Have you spoken to the police ?" She asked

"No not yet" I breathed shaky

"You must be chresanto" my mother turned to him

"Urm..nice to see you Mrs sanders" he was polite like that

"You seem like a fine young man" my mother smiled

I slowly drifted off to sleep, with everybody surrounding me. It was easier then I thought. It didn't take long and usually I couldn't sleep in the light. When I woke up it was 10:30am and mama was there with fresh clothes. She threw me a pair of jogging bottoms and sweatshirt before I went into the bathroom. My body hurt. My thighs the most, I made my way to the bathroom to get dressed when I noticed a small graze on the side of my head where I'd probably hit the ground. She told me that the nurse thinks I was stable enough to go home but the police would like to interview me soon. l tied my hair in a low ponytail before walking out seeing Tyler and mama tidying up.

"Where's Chres ?" I asked quietly

"I told him to go home" ty didn't look at me

"I wanted him here and you just told him to go home ?" My voice was returning

"He's not good for you !" He raised his voice

"Will you two just stop arguing for a moment !" My mom overpowered both of us

"Sorry" I hung my head low

"Sorry mama" Ty said after me

"Now Ty you had no right to send that boy home when your sister wanted him to comfort her through this traumatic time, diamond you need to rest so I'll call him to come see you when your settled at home" she looked at both of us

"You need to recover sweetheart, this might be the hardest thing you'll ever have to overcome" she kissed my head


Noah had called me early this morning telling me what went on. Damn I couldn't help but think that family was cursed or some shit. Right now i was having my own little problems, Jay wouldn't go to damn sleep for the most of the night, as he kept crying and crying. So now he was asleep and I was tired as fuck. I decided not to go to school because of this and the obvious fact that my main girl won't be there. I lay down holding Jay to my side as he sucked his thumb and breathed heavily.

"Mama" he was half asleep

"Yes baby ?" I sighed

"I don't wanna go to sleep" he yawned

"Why not ?" I closed my eyes

"I'm not tired !" He whined

"You go to sleep and I'll buy you sweetys later okay ?" I persuaded him

"Okay" he replied before his eyes shut slowly

I got up unable to go to sleep before calling diamond.

"Ay boo you alright ?" I asked concerned

"I'm better then yesterday that's for sure" she replied

"Maybe I'll come see you later ?" I said

"Ain't you going school ?" She asked

"Nah nah, c-could I bring Jay ?" I looked over at him

"Of course you can T" she laughed a little

"I'll see you soon" I smiled

"Bye" she put the phone down



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