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You looked around the rather large room seeing pictures of you over the walls. Notes and letters are things that you recognized from your life in your world. "This is creepy kacchan" you mutter and he snarls grabbing your waist pulling you into him and his other hand wrapped around your neck.

"Careful with your fucking words. You don't get to call me that it will piss him off, princess. Let's get you up to date. Deku fucking runs the city at his right is the half and half bastard. He rules over part of the city and I at the damn nerds left look after the other half. Deku rules over both sides of the city. Before you ask your damn father is dead. You.... tch this dimension you killed him. It was an accident sure but deku fucking killed you for it. So you listen up. You have to place but under my fucking watch and control. You belong to me. Step out of line and he will kill you. He doesn't have a heart that got rid of that when you left him in the dust." you scratch at his hands unable to breathe he lets you go shoving you to the floor.

"I would never leave him!" you shout "and you're not him! KACCHAN WOULDN'T HURT ME!" he looked down at you and snarled, grabbing your wrist.

"Shut your ass up!" he snarls, pulling you up to him. "You don't talk back. Is that fucking understood?" you shove at him trying to break his grip

"Stop it... stop it kac...katsuki! Everybody here is supposed to be a hero! Let me go katsuki! I want to go home... back to where you love me! Your hurting me!" he rolls his eyes.

"So fucking whiny.'' There was a small knock on the door of the girl you noticed to be uraraka only because of her short brown hair in the short bob she always had. Her normal smile seemed to have disappeared from her face as she kept her eyes to the ground and curtsied. She had a long black dress and the ends were red with some sparkles here and there. There were gloves that stopped at her elbow and cut off at the tops of her fingers.

She didn't once look up only meeting your eyes for a meer moment and in a shy timid voice she spoke "s-sorry to interrupt sir but midoriya would like to talk to you and Mrs (y/n)" bakugo sighed starting to drag you out you resisted as much as possible.

She followed behind the two of you keeping her distance. When you looked back at her she looked at you with familiar sadness and pity. But at the same time, she looked like she was hiding the need to shout at you and strangle you to death. When you got the door of a large chamber she ran to it and opened it for the two of you. There sat your brother in his bored position. "Took you long enough kacchan." he sighed as Shoto was standing behind izuku, arms laid on your brother's shoulder. Katsuki took a seat across from him. You went to sit and bakugo snarled.

"Stand behind me or sit at my feet" you glared standing at his side izuku sighed.

"She's so... troublesome" he hisses glaring at you before meeting your gaze. You gasped, grabbing your throat, the room shifted and everybody disappeared from your view. You looked behind you and the green-haired boy was there hand around your neck. "So, so troublesome" the room slowly started to show movements of people you know. you saw izuku next to bakugo both were fighting the villain all for one. Without a moment to blink, you saw yourself with him. you were seeing your worst fear. your fear wad yourself being the reason you lose them. You saw them both launch to the villain but stop before they hit you. you screamed out but your voice wasn't heard. Everything was splattered with red as you looked at the other hand covered in blood. Your eyes looked at Izuku who fell back to the ground. you let out a loud shriek as you looked to bakugo he too was on the ground bleeding.

you took in a sharp inhale as you opened your eyes you were on your hands and knees gasping for air. I looked up and Izuku was holding in laughter. "Your worst fear is killing me! The irony of that! Then kacchan! You just stood and watched him bleed to death by lord your messed up! Why is this your fear though? It's quite weird to fear something near impossible in your world." he sighed "maybe now you will be less difficult" you were still shaking and looked to katsuki who smirked motioning for you to move closer to him. You didn't move and again you started to feel pain causing you to quickly move towards bakugo.

"I really wouldn't want to have to force you to submit princess." he pulled onto his lap and you looked to the floor. "Anyways deku the fuck did you want?" he asked, wrapping his arms securely around your waist.

He sighed and tapped his fingers. Shoto moved, grabbing a collar and handing it to him before taking a seat in the chair. Izuku was sitting with his head on his lip. It made you feel disgusted looking at your brother. "This is why kacchan. Wouldn't want her to die would we. this way everybody wins. No more arguments alright. I chose to bring her here because of how heartbroken you were when I killed her." bakugo snarled, snatching the collar.

"Tch, I figured out a much shitty deku." you narrowed your eyes to three boys you tried your best to escape his grasp but he only held onto you tighter fastening it onto your neck.

You snarled but jumped when your body was hit with immense levels of pain. Izuku sighed "you'll notice quite a few people have such devices around their necks. It makes them more agreeable" izuku hummed and bakugo pulled you to him. You went to snap at him this was wrong but felt the pain again.

"Shh princess, do try to hold your tongue. As much as I love the look you give that one that tries to say I'm not scared or I hate you. It really would be rather more acceptable if you held that taste of fear or maybe even love. After all, no matter what universe we are in you seem to always belong to me" bakugo growled close to your ear causing you to shiver.

"You may leave Kacchan. I do hope she stays in line. It would be rather nice to have my sister ruling with me instead of against me." izuku hummed.

"Oh bakugo, try not to kill everybody who looks at her wrongly. Maybe not dress her up like you normally do to you what do you call them? Oh, pets that's right. Hopefully, she doesn't break. It would be a shame she is in a way like family" shoto spoke for probably the first time you heard. His calm cool voice dripped with murderous intent and that spark of resent. But what he said made you flinch.

"B-brake?" both izuku and shoto had that look. The one you had already realized meant bad news for you but something they would enjoy.

"Oh dear old kacchan, when I killed this worlds you he went crazy! That's how he's by my side now! Isn't it kacchan! Didn't you plead for me to stop to let her live! Oh, I can only remember the other heroes how they all looked in horror but you shrieked out! You snapped and killed right then and there. I promised she would come back! And like that, you're here! You see dear sister heroes are no longer a problem! Nobody could beat my shoto or kacchan or me!" he chuckled. The plain and bored look he had held in front of you had twisted into a pained look of pure insanity. Shoto seeing your eyes light with a slight tint of fear continued after.

"He went through so many pets, each one couldn't take it. They all... broke. Whether it was how forcefully he was or controlling they all eventually bored him. Unable to keep him satisfied as their minds were reduced to nothing. They were no longer them. He hasn't been able to snap one he only breaks them. Maybe you'll be different, maybe heel treat you a little more carefully" shoto taunted and bakugo growled glaring at the two other males.

"SHUT YOU COCKY LITTLE FUCKING BITCH ASS MOUTHS YOU SOCIOPATHIC FUCKING BITCHES" he threw curse words left and right causing the other two to roll their eyes. He stood up quickly grabbing your wrist tight enough to cause bruising. He shoved you into the room. "Round face will be here to get you clothing. You put them on, understand?" you nodded. Sliding down the wall-shaking as you dug your head into your arms and knees to your chest. 'I want to go home' you thought

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