-Alternate ending-

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I was waiting, kicking my feet on the bed over and over. There was still a problem I'd have to endure hellish pain that might cause me to blackout until these devices are off me when I get home. Unless... it's possible they will break. I started muttering, tapping a finger to my chin. I looked at the glass of water on my dresser and brought it to me. I could thank this world izuku for teaching me how to control telekinesis and fear... there are so many others stored up ready to burst but I'll have my friends and family to help me with this when I get home. There was a knock and I walked opening my door. Katsuki was there and he looked at me for a moment.

"You came to see me off?" he looked to the ground letting his arms hand in front of him.

"I guess I did... your not her I know that but it was kinda nice ya know getting to be around you again dipshit..." I smiled and walked to him, hugging him tightly. I brushed a strand of hair from his face with a smile.

"The memories I have from her... they showed me something. The me.... You grew up with the one from this dimension... she was a player drunk on power but she really did love you katsuki. There wasn't a moment where she wasn't thinking about you. She thought you hated her ya know... maybe one day this world will go back to being run by heroes and not izuku. Maybe then you can honor her." he didn't look up... but I could see the water leaking from his eyes.

"Yeah... she'd like to see the world finally be at peace... hey, you make sure not to screw shit up over there alright... and (y/n)" he looked at me trying to be serious while his tears ran rivers down his cheeks. Those hard intimidating eyes locking onto mine. They were soft and concerned now."If you ever lose it... You come to this world again... dont fuck up your world"

I smiled hitting his shoulder "don't worry katsuki, I wont... I have nii-san kacchan, todoroki, all might, Aizawa... and my friends" he nodded as there were footsteps and he shut the door quickly. The door opened and there stood uraraka. My heart fell for a moment before she held up a card.

"Im making... the selfless decision... It's what my friend used to say. Sometimes the ones we love are not our top-priority the safety of the people is." I smiled as she touched the card, the metal of the bracelet and collar hitting the floor.

"Your worlds me right?" I asked and she nodded hugging me.

"I'm sorry for what I did... but maybe i'll see him soon" she wiped tears and I nodded. The clock struck midnight as the wall opened up. I took a deep breath before walking through it. I took a step through it felt like I was falling till I hit solid earth again.

I opened my eyes releasing a breath I hadn't known I had been holding. My eyes opened slightly and I smiled looking around me. There they stood side by sided Aizawa there ready to erase the quirk just in case. I covered my mouth rushing to my brother, tears in my eyes. "NII-SAN!" I shouted as he hugged me with tears in his eyes. I held onto him.

"I thought I'd never get to be held in your arms again! I missed the caring older twin! I missed having a brother" I sniffled, breaking away before smiling and jumping into Katsuki's arms. I immediately put my lips on his.

"Ok dumbass I know you missed me but damn" I laughed slightly as Aizawa cleared his throat.

From there I got a full check-up. Checking and documenting the quirk talking with my mom. Who were sobbing apologies...


3 years later.

"Kacchan! Guess what! I got cleared today! A whole year no hallucinations no visions!" I chuckled lightly and he kissed my cheek lovingly. We had moved into our own house and were living together now.

"That means... they want you to talk with him don't they?" I sighed nodding.

"Ya... all for one..." katsuki stood up from his desk setting down the paperwork. He grabbed my hand in his.

"Hey, im coming with alright... you need to remember you haven't had a single episode minus one or two in the first 6 months you got back but since then you haven't washed out... you never hurt anybody. So whatever he says to get under your skin don't let it happen alright?" he sighed and I nodded kissing his cheek.

"I know... I wont be getting into too much conversation with him."

The conversation ended up being bland mostly talking about the past and surprisingly being able to shock him since we figured how to stop my ending up like... him. I wondered how that world was though...

That night while asleep I did it... when I shouldn't have. Except when I linked I found him asleep looking around I was in a cell. I looked at him and he opened his eyes. "Oh... so you finally did manage to visit... you actually had me fooled... believed you had finally wanted to spend some time with me..." he muttered he looked so defeated... so dead.

"I didn't come here to chat... ill be going now" I still felt uneasy near him even though his hand lay in cuffs chained to a wall even though he couldn't use the quirks... he still scared me and he knew it. He stood up the chains rappelling, he tilted his head, his eyes gleamed red glowing slightly in the darkness of his cell.

"You won't find him" izuku chuckled and I backed up a bit.

"Wh-what?" he smirked, stepping closer I backed away, hitting the door of the cell.

"I said you won't find him! I killed kacchan! Duh! Why wouldn't I? He ruined everything like he always does! It's always kacchan who ends up winning in the end... he was the fucking traitor ready for the large twist dear? He had it! He had one for all... she gave it to him! He just never used it, keeping it oh so well hidden making it seem like mirio had it when he did! You disappeared and I went right after him and he and ura were long gone by the morning... 2 years later he passed it down to mirio to face me with the remaining flame before. Bam just like that... off with his head. Quick and painless... but just like that, there goes my new found world" I phased through the wall tears streaming down my cheeks. There was just as expected the flicker of lights. The guard looked at me before he relaxed...

"Is he dead? Really dead?" I whispered and he nodded. Removing his helmet to reveal Iida.

"Yeah... but hey ochako is," he stopped looking over his shoulder.

"Is right here tenya who are you.... (Y/N)?!!!!!" she shrieked, hugging me she pulled away... "I feel you but you're so cold?" I chuckled and nodded.

"I'm not really here because of the link. I can access any dimension as long as I can link to the quirk. Back home I can go anywhere as long as izuku is asleep and there. I thought I explained this..." I mumbled and she shrugged. It took a moment but she looked down.

"He died... you know that though don't you? I suspect he told you" she pointed to the cell and I nodded.

"... I'm glad I got to say goodbye" she nodded.

"He was a true hero... a murderous heartless villain but you were able to bring him back to sanity and he became a hero" she hummed and I nodded before waking up.

"Something wrong?" katsuki hummed and I hugged him...

"The world I was taken in... it is back on track heroes back for the win but you there is dead." I mumbled as he pulled me close, kissing me.

"I can't even be jealous cause in a way it is me" he chuckled and I nodded.

Things were perfect now... back to normal... this was my happily ever after.


Ok, the good ending is over for those who don't want to read the real ending which is not gonna be pretty-

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