-Dinner pt2-

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there was a quick silence before mina popped up with questions. "So! Are you really quirkless?! Do you enjoy parties? Oooh, who's the most different from your world other than midoriya!" 

"I... uh um well ya..." I answered, looking at Bakugo who had relaxed. "And... id say kaminari" he looked to me and looked to me questioningly

"Oh? Really? Is everybody different? Mind explaining what my opposite is like?" he asked and I shrugged. Katsuki seemed shocked. He moved his hand away from me and I smiled.

"Well, for one... kaminari is a huge idiot... if we're talking in terms of likability... your more I don't know likable. I can't stand him... in my world, he is so talkative but in a bad way repeating things being dumb." I shrugged. "He can be a bit pervy to... not as bad as Minetta though...'' I hummed and relaxed slowly.

"Ok, who's the most similar to the ones in your world!" Mina shouted, looking at me.

"You probably mina. You seem to enjoy others company." she nods. It was silent again for a moment.

"What am I like back there?" shinso muttered and I stayed quiet. I saw him look up to me when I did not respond. Even in my world... I wasnt a fan of answering his questions when I met him. I've only talked to him once or twice. "I'm not going to use my quirk." I nodded.

"Sorry... it's a habit I guess... and I can't say for sure... I only know a select few well. Most of them don't seem to care for me much... you know quirkless not really in any of their friend groups... I met you once or twice." I muttered and he nodded.

Finally, after everybody else is talking. The redhead spoke up looking at me. He had a scar over his eye. It was larger than the one I was used to seeing there. His eye there had lost its color as well. Just white... "This isn't very manly of me to say, but I don't trust her. She fits in too well." he glared and I looked at Katsuki who sighed.

"Kiri, this isn't her. Maybe giving her a fucking chance would be worth your fucking time. She's hit me over the head with a few surprises. Like attitude and shit." katsuki shrugged and I looked back at him.

"Oh fuck of bakugo, not manly of you to take in the fact there is a damn recreation of her right in fucking front of me. The backstabbing unmanly thing she was..." I looked at Katsuki again and his expression changed. I looked at izuku. Who caught my eyes and smirked before his gaze went back to the two fightings.

"Oh please Kiri, like you have any space to talk with the way you are now. Mainly this manly that... drop it shitty hair, you keep using the phrase but it has no meaning. Killing ain't manly yet you do it for the fun of it dont ya?" Kiri narrowed his eyes to bakugo.

"Says the bastard who killed first and brakes the woman. Not manly of you either.'' This caused Katsuki to snap in full attention to him snarling.


"Ther you go again going off with that temper of yours, your just mad because if she did there is a huge fucking chance she kissed me first dated me fist before cheating with you." I dropped my jaw in shock. They were like the closest friends back in my world yet here they seemed to hate each other. And the shit Kiri was saying with such venom in his voice... it was a bit true but not really.

"I DON'T HAVE A DAMN TEMPER! YOUR FUCKING WRONG! I'D KILL YOU RIGHT NOW FOR YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE IF DEKU DIDNT NEED YOU!" I was starting to have enough. I put my head in my hands and thoroughly turned out the yelling. After a few more moments Kiri started to yell just as much. I snarled, snapping my head to the direction of Kiri with a solid glare. There was a loud bang as some of the cups near where I looked shattered I ignored it though.

"Shut up... both of you. BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! YOUR ANNOYING ME TO GOD'S SAKE! BOTH OF YOU!" both shut up to look at me. I was still upset but I put on a smile folding my hands and resting my chin on them. "Now that you both are silent. Let us get something straight alright Kirishima? I never did a thing for you in my world. Sure I spent more time with you and as you call it in my world. The bakusquad than I did with anybody else back home, but I never counted you as anything more than a friend. It was always kacchan and I always was. I never once thought of you as I thought of him. I rejected you as a second year." I sighed. The whole room was dead silent.

"Well, shit" I looked at kaminari who avoided my gaze. I immediately sat up straight embarrassed.

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to yell like that..."

"She can really resemble you midoriya... that pose... The look in her eyes switched colors." kaminari stated. I shook my head slowly. I looked at Katsuki even though he seemed a bit nervous. My heart rate picked up. I slowly forced myself to turn to izuku who was silently tapping his fingers on the table. He was staring directly at me.

"You are quite the entertainment aren't you dear (y/n)" he hummed he was pissed and the entire table knew it.

"Were fucked" I heard a whisper. It was Jiro. Who was sitting next to momo.

"Kacchan, does she still call you kacchan when you aren't around me? I'd answer with honesty... we'll talk later about whatever that was' ' he pointed to the shattered glass.

"No, I guess it was a slip of tongue deku. If that's what she calls me in her world, she's most likely used to calling me that '" I looked down.

"She can go back to her room" he hissed as katsuki motions somebody over and I stood up quickly walking off.

As soon as I was out of there I looked to see who I was being escorted by and relaxed when I saw ura who seemed shaken. "I didn't know you had that side to you," she muttered and I sighed.

"It's a habit I have... I don't know why I do it, I just... do it when I get upset. It makes people listen and shut up" I mutter and she nods.

As soon as I'm in my room I changed and fell into bed forcing myself to fall asleep.

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