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I slid down my wall letting tears drip from my face mixing with the crimson color of blood. "I wanna go home" I mumbled "but they hate me" I let tears drip down my cheek.

"Hey... you ok?" I didn't look up knowing the backstabbing bitch was there. "Midoriya wanted me to check up on you." she hummed lightly." I brought you some snacks and water" she smiled, setting the tray down. I heard her start pouring water.

"Why do you do this ura... leave me alone dammit" I hissed. She stopped pouring the water and her footsteps got close to me.

"... you have a right to be mad at me... to want to hurt me. It's my fault our hear my fault this is happening to you. Had I not suggested the theory to deku when he called me in to tell me what he had seen while asleep then he would have never brought you here. Had I lied to him when he asked me to do things you wouldn't be... breaking like this." she was on the verge of tears. I looked up and she shut her eyes. "I thought maybe just maybe if I did a few favors I'd be allowed to see him even talk to him again. You should know what it's like being separated from the person you love... I just wanted to see Iuda one more time. See him when he isn't being forced to be something he so clearly isn't." she let tears drop from her face.

"Ura..." I mumbled as she started to leave. "I understand... I'm not mad, just betrayed... you know I don't do it on purpose, right? The hurting people? I just... lose myself completely at times. With Kiri, I was so angry the way he was ignoring me and how he was hurting katsuki saying I would leave him if I had the power to..." I mumbled and she nodded.

"I have to go..." she mumbled before leaving.

A bit later I got up and grabbed my sketchbook. I sat on the large windowsill drawing out the view. Soft tears still dropped. The sun began to set as I turned to yet another blank page for another drawing. As I started the door opened and shut. I was grabbed and brought into a large hug. "The damn bastard wouldn't let me come near you all fucking day kept me busy with work shit. I'm here now...'' Katsuki's soft voice mumbled and I turned around digging my head to his chest.

"I didn't mean to you know that right?" he nods, pushing hair behind my ear. He smirked, pushing me to the bed. I tilted my head and he was holding a binder.

"Deku is going to kill me later but fuck it... I know how to use that connection thing... your talking to your actual brother and... the me you actually love... you keep slipping up with kacchan... earlier before we sat down to eat you called my kacchan twice..." he mumbled "anyways dumbass deku keeps this really close I had to uh sneak into his private chambers to grab this. I only grabbed this one. It's a binder regarding a certain person he killed and was investigating but that doesn't matter." he mumbled.

"So then why are you telling me?" I was confused and he opened it flipping to the page with their profile.

"Ran kaida age 17 quirk dimension sight" katsuki spoke softly. I covered my mouth with a smile.

"I just need to tell izu-nii about this?" he nodded.

"Deku was never able to locate your world version though." I nodded.

"Ok now, how do I contact them... wait... katsuki... they dont want me back" I mumbled and he shook his head.

"That was deku inside your head. In order for you to link to him... you need to both be asleep and you have to want to see him. You told me he was already awake" I facepalmed with a groan.

"I'm an idiot" I hummed as he chuckled walking over to the light. He closed it before hiding the binder.

"Now, goodnight" he hummed as I curled under the covers and softly fell asleep.


Uraraka pov- this is what separated the real from the happy ending-

I held onto the tray tightly outside her room door. I slowly walked to the kitchen, the thought haunting me. If I told them I'd be promoted and watch bakugo be treated as a traitor... I know what they plan on doing with her. She's a simple weapon to midoriya... she doesn't deserve this but do any of us? Why should she get to be happy when the rest of us will only suffer if I let it go, let her free, then I'll be punished just as much... I knew my decision. I set the tray down in the kitchen walking to his office. I knocked softly nervously... I was going to grab the override card from the office and free her of the collar. "So, did he take it?" Midoriya sat on the large couch, his wine glass half full. Todoroki sat next to him, his head on his shoulder.

"Yes midoriya sir..." I squeaked. The look in his eyes was pure danger so I lowered my head to the floor as lights popped. Todoroki shot up backing away to the opposite side of the couch. He took a deep breath drumming his finger.

"Uravity dear, come closer" he hissed hesitantly and took a step forward... he used what used to be my hero name.

"Y-yes midoriya sir?" I whimpered and he lifted my chin with a single finger.

"Welcome to the ranks... you will be the lowest but have access to certain parts of the castle... though there are of course off-limit areas... i'll have you assigned your own quarters soon. You are in this position because of the favor. Though I do believe you could outmatch certain people. You'll be my private secretary and my messenger. If I need something delivered to somebody or you receive information that is to be told to me you are to do it.'' I smiled nodding before I could ask. He sighed and nodded his head. "Come here". I got closer and his finger hit the collar and bracelet servants had to wear. "You know you have access to your quirk and may see Iida but you are not to make known of your rank... that will be done after I take care of this little mess" I nodded heading off. I rushed back to the wing I had been living in happily.

Deku pov-

I sighed standing up and I walked to the large window looking out. "You don't plan on her lasting long, do you?" shoto hummed rubbing my shoulders. I smirked my crimson eyes reflecting back at me.

"You know me so well, can you see it right? She tells her world of the person than when they find her... i'll link to her and kill them.'' I hummed leaning back to him. Letting my head rest on Shoto's chest.

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